Honest Feedback Required

Justin Welch
Edit My Images
Hi All,

I've now gone live with my website http://www.justinwelchphotography.com and would like some honest feedback on the Layout and content I hove on it.

Any tips on improving the layout, content and look and feel will be hugely appreciated.

Just clicked on there and found it very nice, easy to get round, loaded quick, nice photos and all the links worked seamlessly. Well done
I'm going to be picky (but then you did ask for it), as I think it's quite a good site.

On the home page, it should read "Click on the above image..." not "Click on Image"

On the about me page, too much use of bold type.

Clicking on "services" changes the position of the left menu slightly.
Your services page says you do events, but there isn't a category for events in your menu.

You use a couple of your fashion/beauty shots in your portrait area. Seems weird. They should either be portrait or fashion...

Urban/travel has a different interface to the other shots. That's strange!

You need a consistent e-mail addy. Your site is justinwelchphotography.com but you have e-mail addys on the site as: justin@justinwelch.co.uk and justindwelch@me.com. It should be a single mail address.

Your blog should have the same look and feel (background cols for example) as your website.

You should probably have your name in every title for each page (on the tab for the page).

Sorry, that sounds like a lot of criticism on a site that is far better than I've ever managed to put up, but hopefully, you'll find it useful.
Hi Arad85,

Thanks for the feedback, that's exactly what I was looking for. It's funny when you spend 2 weeks looking at he same pages, your eyes just seem to miss the obvious mistakes.

I've addressed all the ones I could (service page jumping slightly left - I have no idea why - same formatting at other pages).

The reason why Urban/Travel and Client Area have different layouts is because the have multiple galleries as apposed to the single portrait and fashion galleries. I'll be sorting out the duplicate images (across the portrait and fashion pages) tomorrow.

Thanks again for your feedback.
Glad I could be of help :).

I don't know how you're hosted, but I think you'd look much more professional if you had a @justinwelchphotography.com mail address rather than @me.com. Perhaps it's just me, but I find a mail address that isn't the same domain as the site as slightly unprofessional. Perhaps that's just me but it's all in the image IMHO (especially if you're a premium business which photos are)...
Glad I could be of help :).

I don't know how you're hosted, but I think you'd look much more professional if you had a @justinwelchphotography.com mail address rather than @me.com. Perhaps it's just me, but I find a mail address that isn't the same domain as the site as slightly unprofessional. Perhaps that's just me but it's all in the image IMHO (especially if you're a premium business which photos are)...

email address altered ! Keep up the good work!
Just had a look at the site and found it very good and professional, nice clean lines easy to navigate,It's not overloaded with info and images like some websites I think you have just about got it right, well done nice site
Looks neat & uncluttered. I would prefer it in 3 frames so the top and left sidebar are static and the content in the middle moves rather than all the page moving.
I've addressed all the ones I could (service page jumping slightly left - I have no idea why - same formatting at other pages).
This is happening whenever a scroll bar is needed. Is the table constructed as a fixed width table or some other way?
This old chestnut : "You need Flash to view this site." = Bye bye.
Oh don't let me stop you putting bells & whistles on it to your heart's content, just ALSO enable plain HTML clicks to get to the goodies ...
I have flash, just browse with it disbled to speed things up and increase my security. When there's something useful which needs flash & plugins I enable it. Just another webpage doesn't count.
There are not many people left that don't consider flash as a safe option so I wouldn't bother with a html version of the site myself. It's not like you will lose any customers as most people install it as soon as they connect. I like the site very easy to navigate and a nice selection of images too.(y)
It's not like you will lose any customers as most people install it as soon as they connect.

Didn't you get the memo? Flash wars are over. Apple won. I seriously don't see Flash websites being around in 18 months. The iPad/iPhone thing is that serious.

But.....it works kind of fine on my iPad. Viewbook sniffs the browser and serves up a custom version of the galleries. Nice. Except it doesn't appear to work for a mainstream browser without Flash - Viewbook should fix that...

Other stuff...I find the font very hard to read. There's also an abrupt jump of text when you hit the about page. It goes to black with underlines that doesn't fit with the grey (but it's easier to read)

Link to Blog doesn't always work - sometime it throws a Tumblr error. I thought it was when you navigated from the contact page but it's not 100%. Weird.

Nice pics though ;) Watch the hotspots of foreheads :D
Thanks for all your feedback. I cannot change the fact that flash is required as it's based on a standard template (out of my control) - so sorry to all the non-flash members.
Didn't you get the memo? Flash wars are over. Apple won. I seriously don't see Flash websites being around in 18 months.
Hmm.. I wondered why we'd just started investing serious amounts of time and effort to get flash ported to a whole class of embedded multimedia processors at work. Clearly, it's because it's obsolete technology :bang: :thinking:
Hmm.. I wondered why we'd just started investing serious amounts of time and effort to get flash ported to a whole class of embedded multimedia processors at work. Clearly, it's because it's obsolete technology :bang: :thinking:

No idea what you do for a living or where you work - but it wouldn't be the first time a company had made a strategic buying mistake ;)

Every major portfolio site is making their offering iPad compatible. I can't see it being long before they go "you know if we used HTML5 or whatever it would all just work properly..."
Here's another reason for not using Flash.
few if any government dept. computers are flash enabled, and it cannot be installed on them. Thousands and thousands of women sit at such machines and they still have internet access. So come lunch time, or between jobs or just 'one of those sod it moments' they will be looking for wedding photographers, portrait photographers for the kids etc.
By relying on Flash you just lost a lot of potential customers...