Honest Opinions Please - Lighting


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Anyone who has spoken to me about it knows that I am not a big lover of ringflashes, hate the circular reflections and feel that sometimes the lighting is a bit flat
Was in a local photography shop yesterday and got talking to an assistant about this, yes I was eyeing the nikon lighting set up ;)
Any way it resulted in me buying a cheapo marumi DRF14 ring flash and trying a modification as suggested by the chap in the shop
Taken a couple of pictures and would like to know what people think, does it work ?
Opinions appreciated


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Like the detail in the eyes of the fly but the ant picture seems to have some really bad noise.
All in all though i think they're two good photo's.
I don't think that it worked on the ant particularly well,
it seems to have given it a "plasticy look" maybe even go as far as to say that
it looks like its covered in toffee (Mmmm toffee, but I digress :D)
But It has certainly bought out the detail in the fly's eyes (y)
Like the detail in the eyes of the fly but the ant picture seems to have some really bad noise.
All in all though i think they're two good photo's.

Cheers for that but I doubt noise is due to the lighting :shrug:

What was the suggested modification ?

Do you reckon it works then ?

First one looks underexposed

Cheers could lghten it up a bit if that helps but does it look flat ?

I don't think that it worked on the ant particularly well,
it seems to have given it a "plasticy look" maybe even go as far as to say that
it looks like its covered in toffee (Mmmm toffee, but I digress :D)
But It has certainly bought out the detail in the fly's eyes (y)

Never have been able to get a decent ant picture, amazing how shiny they are
Thanks for that :)
Toffee apples perhaps but toffee ants :puke:
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Thanks Ruth :)
The 1st image is a tad soft- nothing to do with the ring flash as the 2nd shot you nailed it :clap:

I have the same Ring Flash, amongst the 3 Flashes I own and find it good enough for macro- I too would like to hear - just what modification was suggested??

Les :D
Hi Ingrid, these both look like heavy crops to me, especially the ant as the quality isn't the best you have produced. Crusher has one of those ring-flashes and we were looking at getting a type of diffusion for it a little while ago. I can't remember where we got.
Crusher has one of those ring-flashes and we were looking at getting a type of diffusion for it a little while ago. I can't remember where we got.

Not very far:D

Ingrid.........if you discover a mod that works ( a mod for the flash that is, not one of our forum mods:LOL:) I'd be really interested.
The 1st image is a tad soft- nothing to do with the ring flash as the 2nd shot you nailed it :clap:
Les :D

Cheers Les

Hi Ingrid, these both look like heavy crops to me, especially the ant as the quality isn't the best you have produced. Crusher has one of those ring-flashes and we were looking at getting a type of diffusion for it a little while ago. I can't remember where we got.

Yes it is a heavy crop due to a very stoopid mistake on my part, put honey on a tree for the ants, came in and set the camera up, went back out and yep ants were there, tried to take a picture and nothing happened :bang: Checked all the seytings etc, everything ok so took the extenstion tubes out, and tried just the lens still nothing, just about to swear and throw the camera away when I realised there was an -E- in the pictures left display, yep no memory card :bang::bang::bang: It started to spit with rain about that time so I just stuck a card in and took a couple of quick shots is the one below any better ? (probably not :D)


Not very far:D

Ingrid.........if you discover a mod that works ( a mod for the flash that is, not one of our forum mods:LOL:) I'd be really interested.

Keith I'll take a picture of it later for you (y)
Think it might need one more slight mod
HI Ingrid, we've all done that one time or another :LOL: This shot looks better but as you know heavy cropping will cost you detail unfortunately. Those flashes are difficult to diffuse due to their design so I will be interested to see what you have come up with. ;)
There's nothing wrong with ringflash lighting and these are NOT very good examples of ringflash photography. I feel you need to get closer to the action in the first instance rather than crop heavily afterwards. You just need to practice with it and you'll improve with time.
There's nothing wrong with ringflash lighting and these are NOT very good examples of ringflash photography. I feel you need to get closer to the action in the first instance rather than crop heavily afterwards. You just need to practice with it and you'll improve with time.

As in everything it's a matter of taste I suppose, have personally never been a lover of them but as I don't do macro that much not sure spending £600 on a dedicated lighting set up is a good idea.
Getting closer might be difficult without squashing the ant though !!!