Hornet does lunch

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Went out for a stroll around Belvide hoping the sun would break through and I could catch some dragonfly shots, it didnt, and the wind was blowing a gale, still I managed to catch a couple of shots of this Hornet devouring a Wasp, it did not take him long.



I've yet to capture a hornet so well done! A very nice set Martyn
Yep very nice set .. Weather has been so dam poor over last week to go out and capture much
A cracking set
Thanks for the comments.

I am usually out armed with my 500f4 but a bad back has made that impossible the past weeks, so I have been out with the lighter set up in search of Butterfly and Dragonfly shots.

I saw three Hornets patrolling the ditch alongside the path, little devils would not land on anything for more than a split second, and when they did they were obstructed by vegetation.

I was lucky to be in the right place to catch the shots of it enjoying lunch, the wasp did not stand a chance.

These were shot with my D700 with a 300f4 + 1.4TC