Horses and Ponies :-)

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just some pics of some horses and ponies :)

tell me what you think.





Horses are notoriously difficult to photograph. They can quickly look out of proportion or as if they've got three legs ;)
You need to be very careful of what you've got in the background and try and get poses where you are neither looking up nor down at the main subject part of the horse.
Even when shooting in a field, you're going to have to take lots and lots of shots before it gets right. It can be easier with a "show" horse that is used to posing - that might sound silly but my stallion was a real poser!
Practice makes perfect :)
yeah i know, they keep moving.
i havnt really done much photography and most i have done is on my phone but i got a small digital camera and i just really enjoyed it.
i am looking into getting a proper camera at the moment. :)
In my experience its always better to take photographs of horses outside in the field rather than in a stable. It's best to keep muddy areas out of the way... you could kneel down and point the camera upwards so that muddy ground isnt in the photo.

I find its best to have a clear background without any clutter in the way. For example on your fourth photo it might have been better to take a photograph from the side of the horse so that the brick wall was your background rather than the road.

I like the second one best but it would have been even better without the bucket and person in the photo!

I agree its always hard to get a horse in proportion! Its really easy to make them look as if they have massive heads!

Hope this helps
Thanks, yes i agree, it is hard to get the right backgrounds i was kinda just taking as i went round taking different angles and so on.

i will definatly try and use differernt backgrounds and experiment with different angles, thanks