house spider. (new user)

Nicola Mulvey
Edit My Images
hi there all! i have finally had the chance to try out my new canon 40D, with 100mm, f/2.8 lens.

I took some photo's of a house spider. i could not however get as close as i wanted to. my aim was to be able to see the mouth parts and eyes in clear detail. this photo was the closest i could get in focus.

do you know if my camera/lens not able to do what i want? or am i doing something wrong?

also anyother comments on the photo are most welcome, please help me.

many thanks nicola. xxx

Ok you asked....

It's not bad, but not great either.
The OOF web in the foreground makes bits the subject cloudy.
The DOF is about right but could be a bit deeper

Try rotating it so the beastie is the right way up(ish)
JPS. this is the first time i have put a pic on. i'm affraid i'm a little (alot) dumb when it comes to photo's. how would i reduce the size to 800px?

and to oldgit, i'm afraid i dont know what OOF or DOF stands for! can you elabirate? please
JPS. this is the first time i have put a pic on. i'm affraid i'm a little (alot) dumb when it comes to photo's. how would i reduce the size to 800px?

and to oldgit, i'm afraid i dont know what OOF or DOF stands for! can you elabirate? please

you need to resize the image on both sides to 800 by choosing edit,resize on your photo manager.
OOF is out of focus
DOF is depth of field which i don't really know enough to explain!
Welcome to TP (talk photography!!)
(a Novice):)
There are some really in depth conversations on here regarding depth of field but in layman's terms it simply mean how much of the subject is in focus. A smaller depth of field means less of the spider is in focus (what you have going on) if you raised your aperture from 2.8 (which is what I'm guessing you shot at) to the 4+ range you would have probably gotten more of what you were looking for. Anyway welcome to TP.
JPS. this is the first time i have put a pic on. i'm affraid i'm a little (alot) dumb when it comes to photo's. how would i reduce the size to 800px?

It depends which software you use to work on your photographs. You will have been provided with software from Canon which may allow you to reduce the width to 800 pixels and maximum size of 200kb. However, the software I got from Nikon doesn't appear to do that - so I use Adobe Lightroom and adjust to those settings when I export the photo. Hope this helps.
thank you all for your comments, u have been a great help. i'll have to spend some time playing round with the camera to find out how to change the focus properly. at the moment i am only using the auto abilities that seem to be quite restricting... it often goes past the object then back out again failing to find the subject, or it focuses on something else and i struggle to get it to change what it is focusing on.

i'm sure it is just as learning how to use the equipment. takes time! thanks to you all again.