how best to shoot a bike?

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My new fitness helper...

Not really satisfied with these....... Any tips ?

Specialized Crosstrail Comp Disc 2011 Hybrid Bike

Specialized Crosstrail Comp Disc 2011 Hybrid Bike

Specialized Crosstrail Comp Disc 2011 Hybrid Bike

Specialized Crosstrail Comp Disc 2011 Hybrid Bike

a quickr pickr post
I would say these were a good start and that you have the right idea with DoF and concentrating on specific elements of the bike.

To make them more interesting, try taking it somewhere more interesting and playing with cycling related backgrounds, street scenes and the like. I would have said that, being a black and white bike, you would probably be best off shooting in high contrast, moody black and white as well.

These are the only pictures I can find off the top of my head (I know there are more) but feel free to have a hunt around on my Flickr account:

Revolution31_296 by Ed Rollason Photography, on Flickr

Revolution31_35 by Ed Rollason Photography, on Flickr

mmm found a couple more. Mostly pre/post race shots so added interest with mud and suchlike but you get the idea:

LiverpoolMercury_CX__0048 by Ed Rollason Photography, on Flickr

WeaverValley_CX_28 by Ed Rollason Photography, on Flickr
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While aiming down your sight, remember to give the target more lead than a pedestrian.:LOL::crying:

But seriously, how about experimenting with shutter speed to capture/feature movement. There is a good example in Bryan Petersons book, where he attaches the camera to a scooter and captures motion blur, with a remote. Just an idea.
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Nice work so far, I reckon a bot of motion blur with slower shutter speeds but keeping the current DOF will liven them up a little.

As Ed said above, some moody B&W shots white work also... (y)
Thanks for the advice folks, will have another go :) yes B&W will play a park I think.......
2nd one shoot head on and get it all in focus an it would look good.