How can this improve? BE HARSH AND BE QUICK!

Edit My Images
I have paid a web dev to help redesign my new site. He is asking for feedback on the homepage.

So anything, little to huge that can be improved. No niceties, I want super harsh on it. I want this perfect and am paying a lot of cash. I need to get back to him in 24 hours, so be quick and be harsh,

Thanks a lot.

I love the look of the site, colourful yet clear and concise. Couldn't check out the links to see how it hung together for navigation issues however as none of the seem to be working; or is that intentional at the moment?
Otherwise, nice work!
main images take a lot longer to load than the others, leaving a big black gap in the site.

Apart from that, it just looks like an admittedly fairly polished looking wordpress site, but one that almost anyone can build with a cheap or free template and some basic hosting.
The M/I/P/I/B thing completely threw me. When I finally worked out that this was for clicking and would change to the respective photo area I found it a bit cumbersome. I would prefer to see dedicated links.

I think your info needs to be first, I don't know you and as such I want to find out about you and what style of photography you cover. I could barely read the text on the info page. Darkish grey on black doesn't have enough contrast.

Can't say that I am a fan of twitter, maybe it's me I just don't get it. If you need a twitter link, then fine, don't expect me or many other who haven't signed up to it to bother.

I did love the quality of the music/stage shots, very sharp and atmospheric.
How the website looks style wise is purely a personal issue, as I'm sure you are aware, what looks great to one person might be anothers dislike.
I personally like the colour scheme and the font. I also like the large marquee. For me the only real issue would be how easy it is to navigate around the site, how quickly one page changes to another etc.
So for my honest opinion, go for it!
I would expect the heading in the bottom right hand corner which says CONTACT, to be a direct link to your contact details.

This was mainly because on my smaller screen the link saying "Send an Enquiry" was off the bottom of the screen.
I find the main title font a little thin, the red on black isn't bold/clear enough for me.

Othewise, nice (y)
@ JerryL and CaptianPenguin

Guys I think you're looking at Carl's old site... :bang:
... follow the link in his message not his signature.
Right clicking the images allows them to be easily saved. Do you want to add an unobtrusive watermark web address? As long as you make it small, and put it in the corner it shouldn't detract from the image but might get you a few return visits. Also, I think you should include your name/copyright notice in the image properties.
Hi. My pennyworth. I quite like the look, but it isn't particularly novel or 'wow'. I can't say I'm overwhelmed with the title:
and agree with earlier comments. I looked at the source code, its mostly a javascript slideshow from a 3rd party code library. So my question would be, bearing in mind you aren't paying someone to create either a Flash or javascript from scratch, and because there isn't much content for the search engines to use to aid your ranking, does what you are payiing reflect the amount of time and skill that has gone into this?
liking the layout although its a tad big for my 1600x1200 screen, just chops off the footer.

didnt notice any major speed issues on a bog standard 8mb adsl

Same on my 1920x1280, I'm having to scroll down the screen for more
I find the main title font a little thin, the red on black isn't bold/clear enough for me.

Othewise, nice (y)


On my uncalibrated work monitor in a bright room, the red doesn't stand out too well for me.
Carl Photo Spring Graphy!

Logo confuses me.

Watch the bandwidth on the frontpage slideshow, make sure the first image is one that compresses well, and the subsequent images pre-load efficiently.

Interested to know how much you consider "A lot", as this is a very basic design, and the expected functionality isn't overwhelming either. There might be "more to come", though, so I'll concede that's hard to call from just a frontpage.


just doesn't work!
I like the split wording on the logo, like the layout, not too overwhelming.
Obviously the links need to work and maybe a few more photos on the main page slideshow.
I personally don't like the Red text, doesn't fit for me...but other than that, I really like it, reminds me of my homepage in a way, but with less crap on it :LOL:
Looks good, a few observations..

My name is Carl Spring and I'm an East Midlands based photographer who specialises in live music and extreme sports photography.​

But the links/sections I see are:
  • Music photography
  • Action photography
  • People photography
If you specialise in two areas, then I would expect to see these two areas as the primary links/sections/galleries. I think this is really a copy/focus issue rather than a design issue though (unless the web designer is also providing your copy).

If you genuinely want to be hired as a direct result of your website then you must have a contact point on the frontpage (mobile number, email address). Once someone knows you exist then the number one priority for meaningful (i.e. someone who is going to give you cash in the near future) repeat visits is to find your phone number. Always make it easy and give it to them up-front.
@ JerryL and CaptianPenguin

Guys I think you're looking at Carl's old site... :bang:
... follow the link in his message not his signature.

Fair enough but if those things are addressed the new site should be better:)
To be honest it is very basic if you are paying a proper professional web designer then hardly any web design seems to have gone on. The javascript as someone has said is from a jquery library and it also looks as though the css is actually using the 960 grid framework which is also downloadable. So to be honest I would say "what has your web designer actually done" - using those prebuilt frameworks and jquery and your images etc this site should actually only take a day or so to put together.

Someone also mentioned it looked like a wordpress site and if you look at the initial css style link then that does use wp-content in its link which is often the storage folder for wordpress stuff.
Just wanted to point out, I'm not interested in the invoicing practices of the company you've hired, but as a webdeveloper I *am* interested in what people consider to be "A lot of money" for a webpage.

As an example, to me, "A lot of money for a webpage" is > £3k, anything else is freelancer material.
Layout wise i think it looks fine. Not got a problem with the colours either but it does look like the red used on the page isn't the same red used in your logo. Speaking of logo, not sure about this, it doesn't work for me but you never asked about the logo.
No the logo will stay.

That was done by a friend who works and designs for some ve big companies like major sports shoes and big tv company. Basically the design stuff behind it is there is not point straying from the traditional name as logo. What the idea is that this is a twist on this, as photo editors etc see many logos, but this needs a dbl glance, it is a small twist on tradition, so that will be staying.

I want the WOW but cant seem to figure what is missing in it. Need a sit down and a drink, and guys thanks for all your comments so far, keep em coming, esp those of you who know the web side and improvements there as I am v clueless on that. I have til tomorrow to make the list so keep it coming, and thanks again this is why I love this forum!

Edit I am writing copy for the site and need to address little things as it goes along, such as the extreme/action thing
The links over the bottom images aren't working for me. The red text against the black does my eyes in as its quite small. IMO the logo needs to be more prominent ... is that harsh enough :cool:
Can you explain a little more on that Mynx? What does that mean in terms of site layout etc?

Keep the comments coming.

As for price I don't think it is fair to say the price I am paying. Some good points so far, I agree I just don't get the wow! out of it.
The black background with white and red (and slender) writing on it. It plays havoc with my visual disturbances, gave me an instant headache.
Can I just ask if it's a Joomla or Wordpress system as I swear I have seen that as a template somewhere :confused:
If I was paying big bucks I would want a home page that auto resized for any users web browser/open window.
Not paying big bucks, big bucks for me shall we say.

I had a play in PS and came up with this. I prefer it, as it appeals to my like of clean and simple. comments on it and whether improvement or not appreciated, obv slideshow etc, but this is just a quick jpeg.
