How can this improve? BE HARSH AND BE QUICK!

Much better as a splash/homepage as there is less scrolling around to do.
The little pics under the main one is too distracting, though I see you've addressed that. Dunno where I read it but it's common knowledge most people won't scroll is just passing by a web page, I know I don't, so maybe try and get it all in one.
I feel it does need changing to the darker red of the logo, but I want a 2 colour sceme on black and as my logo is made of 2 colours it leaves me v little option. Just out of interest what ould you suggest?

What size do you go for though? Is it still 1024 x 768 or could a height of 800 be considered fine for modern purposes?

if you chopped about 150px off the bottom of the page it'd make me happy.. :D

trouble is with optimising for screen res is the vast variance about at the moment, from netbooks to iMacs. where do you find the middle ground is the million dollar question. or you have page that adapts/has different versions for different res.
if you chopped about 150px off the bottom of the page it'd make me happy.. :D

trouble is with optimising for screen res is the vast variance about at the moment, from netbooks to iMacs. where do you find the middle ground is the million dollar question. or you have page that adapts/has different versions for different res.
That is the crux of the issue. There are sites that resize and adapt to the screen of the user, however that is a nightmare, and it can't be done realistically without either 1. offering different format images to the engine that figures out the screen resoloution, and chooses the image to display, or 2. accepting some images may need dynamically cropping, or 3. a mix of one and 2. It can be done, has been done, but it relies on the photograpger having a set of images that will work in a range of formats. I know how hard it is selecting images to suit 1 format, that have the right ratio, and qualities. You can have 1000's of them on disk, and find ony a handful are suitable, and often not your showstoppers. Then you end up shooting stuff specifically for the website

15 years ago, a 14 inch standard format screen was the norm, nowadays we have ultra wide screens, through to PDA's which often are portrait. This makes the whole resizing thing a logistical nightmare, even when it is technically possible
I'm not keen on the way the title is split up. Also any chance you can do the page dynamically so it uses the whole of my screen and not just the middle bit?
Put a telephone number or email address on the front page under the Contact section (not behind a link). If you don't, then don't spend time worrying about why noone gets in touch. Always make it easy for prospective clients to reach you.
Looks good to me, one thing I would change is remove 'photography' from after the Music/Action/People links. Also, in the little About section, I would make the 'ABOUT' a link to your about page and remove the 'Read more'. Both are personal preference though rather than just disliking them.
Looks nice,

Personally I don't linkt he way the links are all capital, and the fact the ones in the footer appear larger than the ones in the header. You also don't seem to have any meta set on the homepage, could probably do with this.

There is also a javascript error on the homepage.

Other than that, really nice simple clear design.
Well, I don't trust sites I can't view the HTML and CSS for and if you're paying more than 500 quid you're paying too much. :)

It's nice and clean though. :)
Well, I don't trust sites I can't view the HTML and CSS for and if you're paying more than 500 quid you're paying too much. :)

It's nice and clean though. :)

I am paying less than that. Sorry in first post should have been clear, not mega bucks for what a site can be, but a lot of money to put in for me at this point. I paid not being able to have a 85mm f1.8 for it at the moment.
What it costs is between the clinet and the webdesigner, and is nobody elses busines

Would you guys like one of your brides/photography customers openly discussing your Work-in-progress on a forum, and discussing the price, before you had fully delivered the goods.. same principle. For all we know the designer has some new fangled wing ding thing up his sleeve that we havent seen yet
You don't like that logo? That is one of the most forward thinking logos I have seen and commend all those involved in being brave enough to stray away from average and push boundaries.

As for my logo, I like it, the designer likes it, almost everyone who has seen it likes it and gets the idea. Also I have paid out for all business cards, promo materials etc. So the logo will stay.
I hate white on black background text... I find it hard to read.
I avoid such sites.
Great the red text has gone :D
If we're still going, on the About page, the clisent list looks odd shunted over to the right.
Have you moved the site, I've just clicked the link and I'm taken to a blog. None of the previous posts make any sense?
Just go to the main webpage (remove the /dev in the address). :)