How do I blur?

Edit My Images
Hi all
Below is a photo that I took and quite like but does'nt stand out.
Now im no expert :thinking: but i think there is too much going on in the foreground and the boat sailing past does'nt really stand out.
Therefore I thought about blurring the picture (olnly slightly) but keeping the red sailing boat and its reflection in focus.
Dont know even if it would improve the shot :shrug:

Question is how do I do this? Please someone explain.
I assume it can be done, but I have tried all night with blur filters but got nowhere :shake:

Any other comments about processing the image in CS3 to improve it ?

Select the boat any way you want to, I used the pen tool set to paths, ran round the boat to make a closed path, right click make selection, then edit/copy (ctrl + c) and edit/paste (ctrl + V) so the boat is on a new layer.

Go back to the first layer and filter/blur/Gaussian Blur..I used 2 so its more visible here...


I hope this is what you where after.

Sorry..just realised you wanted the reflection also...but now you should be able to do it for yourself.

You have to be really careful with introducing artificial blurring to an image because if it isn't done subtly then it stands out a mile & is very obvious.
I recommend reading up on using layer masks & using feathered brushes to get a more subtle effect with gaussian blur (y)
I recommend reading up on using layer masks & using feathered brushes to get a more subtle effect with gaussian blur (y)

Still loads to read and learn in photoshop, seem to spend all night in there ;)

Perhaps I should spend more time in the first place, taking better pictures :LOL: