How do YOU carry 2 (or more) cameras?

Alex Burge
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Some may think this is a weird question but its something that has been bugging me... :thinking:

how do you carry 2 cameras? i know the obvious answer is one over each shoulder. whenever i have tried to do this and take a photo the other camera slips off my shoulder. I have also found the when walking about i have to keep a hand on each.

can anyone suggest a multi strap or rig? anyone have any little tricks or trade secrets?

so... how do YOU carry 2 cameras? :shrug:
Sling them both around my neck! The most likely to be used is placed 'on top' of the other!

The only downside is if I use the lower one, the strap is a little less manoeuvrable...but no biggie! :)
Some may think this is a weird question but its something that has been bugging me... :thinking:

how do you carry 2 cameras? i know the obvious answer is one over each shoulder. whenever i have tried to do this and take a photo the other camera slips off my shoulder. I have also found the when walking about i have to keep a hand on each.

can anyone suggest a multi strap or rig? anyone have any little tricks or trade secrets?

so... how do YOU carry 2 cameras? :shrug:

Sling them both around your neck. Having to keep a hand on each camera to avoid them banging together is pretty much par for the course. I used to wince watching pros at football matches running round the touchline with 2 or 3 metal bodied cameras banging together like conkers! :eek: No wonder you see so many older cameras with a lot of brass showing.
I carry one over each shoulder, but you can get a strap that allows you to carry two cameras together round your neck on the one strap.
Sorry I couldn't resist :-

I carry one over each shoulder, but you can get a strap that allows you to carry two cameras together round your neck on the one strap.

Do you not find they slip off your shoulders? i would rather carry one on each shoulder and spread the weight.

2 cameras round your neck for a day sounds like a real pain in the neck?! (excuse the pun)

Sorry I couldn't resist :-



*edit* hold on! Nikon and Canon?! i smell a rat...
I have one strap around my neck and the other on my right shoulder. I never seemed to have any trouble of the one on the shoulder slipping off, but since I'm using my right hand for the 'main' camera round my neck, it helps keep the one on the right shoulder there, and if I wanna use that one it's much better since it's on the right shoulder i.e. closer to the hand that's using it.

Does that make any sense? :p
This is the best two camera set up I've come across. Not tried it myself, but if the R-Strap I've got coming is as good as it's cracked up to be, I'll be giving it a go with a second one.
I put my left arm through one strap then over my head. The right arm goes through the other strap and over my head. Cameras hang towards the side, can't slip off and can't bang together.
One over the shoulder and the other in a bag :) I tried two over the shoulder style but tbh they were knocking together and / or I looked a prat :LOL:
I put one on each shoulder.

I never wear mine round my neck, you look like such a tourist.
I tend to carry one round neck, one on right shoulder [cant carry things on my left, they always slip off] and find this the best way for me, either can be picked up easily and they dont bang against each other plus I only have to keep a hand on one of them
Thanks for the input guys. not i regular problem for me unless i have my 35mm with me but i thought it was worth asking

This is the best two camera set up I've come across. Not tried it myself, but if the R-Strap I've got coming is as good as it's cracked up to be, I'll be giving it a go with a second one.

im sorry but how cool is that! :nuts:

not sure i fancy my cameras hanging form the tripod point all the time though :shrug:
I have one camera, it keeps things simple :)

im sorry but how cool is that! :nuts:

not sure i fancy my cameras hanging form the tripod point all the time though :shrug:

does it not attach to the eye let for the hand strap. It looks like a gripped one on the left and a pro body on the right?