How I deal with noise + motion blur


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An image of Pine Marten that was shot in high ISO with some motion blur. By combining DxO PureRAW and Topaz Sharpen, I was able to achieve a reasonably clean image that I can use.

Click on the image below to see a 100% view.

There was a colour shift when using Topaz Sharpen, not really sure why but this was corrected when I reopened the DNG file in camera raw.
Fascinating, thanks.
I have also noticed an occasional colour shift when using Topaz applications - not all the time though so I guess it happens with certain tonal ranges in an image.

Easy enough to correct afterwards :)

Lovely Pine Marten BTW :)
Lovely effects but not cheap software though. 115 quid for DxO and $79 for Topaz on top of ones chosen photo software like LR or similar. Still, if one uses it a lot I suppose it's worth it. Personally, I couldn't justify the expense, but to get images like the above I am [slightly] tempted though.
Excellent thanks for sharing :)
I know DXO is expensive it does come on offer sometimes, it’s definitely worth it if you do any shooting at high ISO and it’s still not expensive compared to the cost of camera gear for wildlife photography
I’m on DXO 5 and an older version of Topaz , I normally only use Topaz sharpen AI for more difficult shots like the one in the example
normally use DXO then Affinity
My personal experience is that DxO does a better job of noise reduction BUT I use Topaz because not being able to see the end result until you export an image isn't good enough in my opinion. If they ever change that then I'll happily bite the bullet and use DxO again.
My personal experience is that DxO does a better job of noise reduction BUT I use Topaz because not being able to see the end result until you export an image isn't good enough in my opinion. If they ever change that then I'll happily bite the bullet and use DxO again.
What I do is turn down the sharpening in DXO and export then if I need to can go over it again with Affinity or Topaz
the quality of the DXO raw conversion makes it worthwhile
What I do is turn down the sharpening in DXO and export then if I need to can go over it again with Affinity or Topaz
the quality of the DXO raw conversion makes it worthwhile
Since getting the R7 this is pretty much what I do too.
Hi, Just had to upgrade my PC to be able to use DXO Pure Raw and On1 2023, have to say for high noise DXO does a great job (Topaz Denoise for lower ISO's) the one slider the stand alone DXO is missing is one to tone down the reduction a little but still good at what it does. Russ.
I've never used 'de-noising' software but I want to start using much higher ISOs for bird photography. How much difference in real-world use is something like DXO over Lightrooms noise reduction process?
I've never used 'de-noising' software but I want to start using much higher ISOs for bird photography. How much difference in real-world use is something like DXO over Lightrooms noise reduction process?
Hi, download the trial of DXO, Topaz or a whole package On1 Photo Raw 2023. just make sure your GPU, CPU and memory is sufficient
Hi, download the trial of DXO, Topaz or a whole package On1 Photo Raw 2023. just make sure your GPU, CPU and memory is sufficient

Just moved away from On1 as to keep the latest stuff required buying a new version every year (the responder to my email requesting a lens update, nothing more than that, was met with a 'no chance, buy the new version') so I bought a LR/PS subscription as it wasn't much more and I don't have to think about it anymore.

If you are familiar with your main processing package (eg Lightroom) and don't want to change it, DXO PureRAW is available as a plug-in. V3 is just out.

I am getting more familiar with LR, I'll try the trial version.
Just moved away from On1 as to keep the latest stuff required buying a new version every year (the responder to my email requesting a lens update, nothing more than that, was met with a 'no chance, buy the new version') so I bought a LR/PS subscription as it wasn't much more and I don't have to think about it anymore.

I am getting more familiar with LR, I'll try the trial version.

I signed up to the Subscription version LR late last year and it has far more useful features than it used to have but the NR and sharpening is a let down . It just hasn't kept up with the competition (eg DXO and Topaz).

You use PureRAW as a plug-in at the beginning of the LR process, and return the files back to LR to continue processing. I think DXO only works on RAW files. Tpoaz is different in that you can use it at any stage and on any type of file. That might sound like an advantage but I'm not sure it really is.
I only ever shoot in RAW anyway, both on my SLR and my X100V.
Before I add anything else, may I congratulate the OP on a lovely image of the pine marten.

I'd put this in a thread of it's own but it's a quick question connected with the subject of noise reduction:

I'm trying to download the free trial of DXO RAW but on the page there is a 'mathematical' question -- you know, like 2+3= and no matter how I phrase the answer, and I've even written it out in letters, it tells me that my answer is incorrect. Now forgive m but I have a certificate in maths from the Open University and I'm pretty sure I can add two numbers. Anyone any idea as to what is going on?

Perhaps someone could try it on their computer just to see if it lets you through to the next page.

EDIT: Never mind, it's decided to ignore my maths abilities and is downloading anyway; weird.
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