How many cameras have you got, and why?

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My collection is growing far too quickly! A year ago I had 3, now 6!

Nikon d700 - main camera, like to use it with a prime most of all. Used for paid work as well as everyday photography.

Nikon d300 - backup body and useful for crop factor at airshows, turning my 300mm into 450mm.

Fuji x100 - only got this week, will be the 'family camera' and lightweight option.

Rolleicord va - had a couple of months. Just liked the look and the fact it's Med Format. Fun to use and different.

Nikon f80 - did have an fe but manual was a pain, nice to have a camera that works like my digital ones but that takes film.

Canon s95 - the old family camera which I will probably sell.

Oh, add my iPhone, wife's iPhone, and an old Sony compact (p200, about 7 years old) which my 5yo now uses - that's 9 cameras in our house. Overkill?
D800 and D700

Find this to be a nice combo although the D700 is pretty much just used by my partner.

Both used professionally for weddings / portrait work so 2 is essential and a nice bonus for both to be full frame.

I am looking to get myself a film camera at some point!
At one point I had 4 now just the one my trusty D700. I found myelf not using the others as none compared well with the D700 I.Q so got rid.

I still have the childs D60 if need be. :D

Will prob buy a D800 soon.
Just the two ... D3S and D800

I use them both pretty much equally, the D800 gives me higher resolution obviously but challenges my hand-holding ... really I need a monopod or tripod with it.
The D3S is a great camera and today it reminded me of just how good it is when I was shooting inside the John Wesley Chapel in Bristol.
I was bracketing and the D800 struggled whereas the D3S just cracked them off without pausing for breath.
Seventy one film and two digital.

I'm sorry, I can't answer the second part of your question!

Seventy one film and two digital.

I'm sorry, I can't answer the second part of your question!


What digitals steve? Interested to see the 2 that sit beside such a platoon of film cameras lol
D700, long lusted after, the love's still there
D90 for back up, or second body if required
What digitals steve? Interested to see the 2 that sit beside such a platoon of film cameras lol

A Nikon P6000 for compactness and quick snaps and a Nikon D3200 which I sometimes use with my pre-AI Nikkor lenses.

D3200 is a cracking piece of kit!

Anyone got experience with cameras converted to infra red?
Got? Got and use? Got and use regularly?

The 3 I have and use regularly are a D800 (which is now my main DSLR although I still have a D700 and a D70), an XF-1 Fuji compact (which fits neatly in a shirt's top pocket which my X-10 doesn't!) and another Fuji, an HS-30 (which is a superzoom bridge which gives me focal lengths from 24mm - 720mm [35mm eq] and weighs significantly less than either FF body with just one lens fitted).

Come the end of the month I shall be going on holiday and will be taking the 2 Fujis and a Canon D10 compact which is waterproof down to 10m so ideal for snorkelling. I might also take my little Minox M3 replica for fun snaps. My wife might take my old Nikon CP3100 compact as well.

I also have a selection of film bodies and compacts ranging from an F80 down to a kit built pinhole camera but apart from the occasional wistful fondle, they rarely come out of hiding! If they were worth more than tuppence farthing, I might sell some of them on but I could still use them and may well for specific purposes - rangefinders with wide angle lenses are ideal for long exposures like star trails and the broken Zorki is a handy paperweight!
2x Holga
Nikon FM2 + 28mm & 50mm primes
Pentax MX + 50mm prime
Nikon D3100 + 18-55 kit lens
Ricoh GRD IV
Ricoh GR (on pre-order)

I'm hanging onto the film cameras even though I mainly shoot digital now, but I seem to go back to film every so often.
How on earth do you use 71 cameras???

One at a time!

I had a collection of around thirty then inherited my father's collection of around the same size.

A few months ago, I thought I had sixty cameras. I sold some, gave some away and when I counted what was left there were seventy one... and I'm building another one!

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I have 1 because I only have 1 pair of hands ;o)....oh yeh and thats all I can afford
5 at the moment. The Panasonic G2 is my main camera, a GF3 as my second used for walks and stuff when I don't want to carry so much. I also have my old FZ7 bridge that I use in football stadiums and at concerts and my pocket Canon ixus that stays in my handbag all the time 'just in case'. Lastly I've got an old Casio pocket digital that is for the kids to use.
2x digital camcorders- 35mm movie camera- 35mm stills camera and a digital camera.
Why? upgrading and not getting rid of old cameras.

2 35mm SLRS
2 Digital Compacts
A couple of 35mm Compacts
A couple of Rangefinders
A couple of bellows trpe cameras
14 film cameras (mix of 35mm compact, 35mm SLR, MF TLRs + Bellows and TLR 127)


1 digi compact.

Just the 5D III now since selling my 5D II and 7D to fund it :)
Very tempted to get another 7D at some point though going by how much they're going for 2nd hand now!
3 dslr & 1

Medium format.

Canon 1D mkiv
Canon 5D MKii
Canon 7D

Bronica a GS1
Oh dear, I'm not sure as I haven't counted lately, but it's going to be near to Steve's 71. Why? Because I love playing with cameras as well as using them :)
This is a good one, I'll start thinking.

Just counted up seven video cameras in the house, and I don't "Do" video and haven't even used one for at least........two years, (And that then was only because I hadn't used the new one for a few years)!
My DSLR history....

2006 30D My first DSLR. Now retired, should have been sold years ago, but never got round to it. Still a good little camera, but I now have better.
2007 40D Sold in 2011
2008 50D Sold in 2010
2008 1D3 Rarely used. Nice IQ and speed, but big, heavy and poor features/ergonomics compared to newer models.
2009 5D2 Was favourite (just) until I bought the 5D3. Lovely IQ, but slow, slow, slow.
2009 7D Rarely used these days. Too many pixels in too little space.
2012 5D3 Favourite camera - not much it can't do except high FPS and surviving rain.

If I could keep only two bodies it would be the 5D3 for pretty much everything and the 1D3 for when I needed the extra speed and/or durability. If I could keep only one body it would be the 5D3.

I also have a Fuji F100fd compact, which I hate, and a couple of 35mm film cameras, which I haven't used in decades.

I'm really hoping I have the will power to not buy another camera for several more years. If I can't manage to produce something half decent with the gear I have now I don't see how buying any more will help. The same argument applies to lenses, bags, tripods, lighting and anything/everything else. I've got more than enough of everything apart from the skill/talent/imagination to do much with it.
Fuji S5 - If you've used one, you know why.
OM4Ti - Best Oly body made (well unless you have an OM3Ti I can have for £20!)
OM2SP - Second best Oly ever made
Pentax ME - Every home should have one (perhaps my favourite camera!)
Panasonic LX5 - Needed something for snapshots.
Oly Trip MD3 - a camera I owned as a kid. It just died on me.
Polaroid 600 - found it in the cupboard!

My ebay watch list also contains Leica R4/R5s and various small rangefinders so I guess I'll be having something else new soon in the list!
7 so far

Fuji compact underwater thing that I forget the number

Fuji x10 for a pocketable daily
Fuji x-e1 was supposed to replace the x10 but I'm not that happy with it, bit too big for my jacket pocket which annoys me so I stick with the x
10 when its not being sent back to Fuji for repair.

Nikon d800 doesn't get used much due to cumbersomness of it on walks but still used for the odd studio session

2 medium format 6x6 , bronica and a lomo tlr clockwork thing.

1 large format 5x4 which I prefer to lug about instead of the d800.
1 digital - Fuji X-Pro1

1 35mm - Nikon FM

1 Medium format - Yashica TLR (broken shutter :()
5D mark 2 - because it does everything i want from a digital body.

Mamiya RB67 ProS - because it's a landscape beast and the lenses are as sharp as a sharp thing

Fuji GW690 - only just bought this but it will serve as a walkabout medium format film camera

Canon A-1 - walkabout 35mm body
Canon 450D
Samsung NV8
Nikon E3700

Canon EF
Canon AE1
Minolta X-300
Voigtlander vito B
Voigtlander vito BL
Rollei 35B x2
Zenit EM..possibly two
Various folders
Few box brownies

Why? It makes me happy!
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Canon 5D and a bag full of lenses for when I want the best quality and aren't too bothered about the bulk and weight.

Panasonic G1 and quite a few lenses for when I want something smaller and lighter than the 5D but still want good quality images.

Panasonic LX5 for when I don't want to take the bigger cameras.

Canon Ixus when I want a very small pocket camera.

Medion compact. This was my first digital pocket compact and it's a fixed focus jobbie. I like cameras like this and I've had / still have fixed focus film cameras. Image quality wise it isn't even as good as my phone but it has so much character I'll keep it until it goes to the camera rest home in the sky and give it an outing now and again.

I also have several film cameras, including my first ever camera. I keep them because I can't bring myself to bin them.
Well I'm up to 24, no 25, no 26. Trouble is I keep remembering others!
(Just seen the above. Hadn't got to them, so thats 36, no 37 and counting!

Most are film cameras, TLRs, 35mm SLRs and RF/compacts, and waiting for at least new seals and mirror bounce foam if not other running repairs.

All are different tools for different moods from chunky SQAi to svelte Mju II.

Don't have a LF plate camera.........yet!
I currently have a Nikon D300S, Nikon D200 and Canon S95.

I still have the Nikon D200 because I mistakenly bought it via import, and when I bought a D300 as a replacement, I wasn't willing to take such a big hit in selling it, so kept it. I didn't use it for a couple of years, but have recently started doing timelapse photography, and use the D200 for that. I recently took about 3000 frames for a couple of timelapses while on holiday. :eek: I'd rather put that amount of frames on the older camera. ;)

I got the S95 to replace a Fuji F31fd (brilliant camera, a classic) which was stolen. I wanted a compact camera with manual control and the RAW option. I had hoped to do the Magic Lantern hack to try and do timelapses with it, but the firmware version I have is not compatible. :( :bang: The D200 is better than that would have been anyway.

When the Fuji got stolen, so did the D300. :crying: It was actually cheaper to replace the D300 with the D300S. :eek: So, silver linings and all that. ;)

The D300S does everything I want it to do, :clap: so I think I've got past my camera gear lusting for now. :) Having no money curbs any cravings too. :LOL:

Although saying that, if a D400 were to ever appear... :thinking: :LOL:
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