How many have switched brands?

Canon 350D
Canon 40D
Canon 5D Classic
Nikon D3000
Nikon D80
Nikon D90
Nikon Coolpix A
Sony NEX 3/5/3N/C3/5N/5R/7
Sony a6000
Sony A7
Sigma SD9
Sigma DP1
Sigma DP1 Merril
Olympus E-PM1
Olympus E-M10
Olympus E-M1
Nokia 808 41MP
Fujifilm X-Pro1
Fujifilm X-A1
Fujifilm X-M1
Fujifilm X-E1
Fujifilm X-T1 - in love

I'm forgetting some for sure, compacts like Fujifilm XF1 and Sony RX100 too. My first digital camera was Canon A590IS, but joined photography with Sony Ericsson K770 3.2MP
I have absolutely no brand loyalty. All of my cameras - film and digital have been bought second hand, shopping for bargains. In DSLR, I switched from Pentax to Sony. Then, I switched pretty much to film. Film cameras - Pentax, Olympus, Bronica, and a wide assortment of others. I think that the most that I have ever paid for a camera is £180. The cheapest 50p.
Switching is mostly waste of cash. So, no, I haven't. If I started with Nikon, then I would still shoot Nikon, etc.

Mostly I'd agree but maybe switching becomes more tempting when new technology comes along.

I switched when going digital and again when CSC came along. Who knows what could be next...
I'm in the process of switching from Canon to Fuji. I've been a Canon user since the early 70's when I graduated from a Praktica L to a Canon FTb. On the way I've had an A1, T90, EOS100 (35mm), EOS5 (35mm), EOS350D, EOS40D and an EOS5Dmkll.

My decision to change is purely down to the size and weight of the Canon equipment. I've found recently that when I've gone walking about, I've taken my Canon with the 24 - 105mm lens and left the rest of the equipment in the car. Invariably, I've needed something that I've left behind.

I am excited by apparent quality of the X-T1 and I am anxiously waiting until Saturday when I collect a 10-24mm Fuji zoom and a 55 - 200mm Fuji zoom. I've already added a vertical grip, which for me with my large hands is a massive boost to the handling of the camera. I was initially worried about changing, having achieved my ambition of owning a full frame DSLR and the feeling that moving to the Fuji is a backward step, but I have spoken to several people who have given me some reassurance that I will not notice a degradation in quality of the results.

I guess time will tell whether the decision is the right one, but I am really looking forward to learning how best to use the new equipment.
Cant really see the point in switching and chasing photographic nirvana.

Nikon are using the best sensors in low ISO dynamic range etc. Do I wish my Canons had that? Yes, but nowhere near enough to even consider a brand change. Other than that I dont see anything else that Nikon has to offer me.

On the flip side if I was using the equivalent Nikon bodies to what I have now I cant really see anything in Canons line up that would make me change either.
I've got too much invested in Canon lenses to change and to be honest I don't think that switching would improve my photography even if I could afford to
I'm still learning but have realised over the last couple of years that just being in the right place at the right moment is the most important thing for wildlife and macro stuff anyway
Why switch? What could switching and changing brands give you?
I think canon has the best macro lens setup which Nikon doesn't match but otherwise to switch between brands just because doesn't make sense.

I could understand switching to a smaller (or larger) format of camera. A lot of the smaller cameras are very capable and significantly lighter, so you don't have so much weight to carry around.

Otherwise, it's not about the kit, it's about the photographer.
Just wondered if I ought to consider switching to Canon. Nikon seem to have had a few "gremlins" of late. Has Canon?

Yep including this one, all nikon gear and not considering changing
Is switching not a GAS symptom?! I started with canon and remain there but have compact system cameras for different things; not sure anything other than a DSLR would do the sport stuff that I like. I tend to use the CSCs when I am away and it helps the shoulder. If you think that pros like Andy Rouse switch and switch, then you know that there is much to recommend them both. My impression of watching the BBL is that Canon is the preferred system. I know a wedding pro local to me is using the Fuji 100 something or other for weddings more than his Nikon kit; it might even have taken by now. If you have a serious reason, other than boredom, for thinking that a change might have a benefit, then why not hire something and see if you get on with it?
I have been shooting for 10yrs now and have switched

Nikon to Fuji
Fuji to Canon
Canon to Nikon
Nikon to Fuji
Back now with Nikon and stuck.

Its a waste of money, completely. It hasnt made me any better.

Dont do it. Move only if the system wont let you do what you NEED, and I bet there is a way.
In the last few years I've had Nikon, Canon,Sony, Fuji, and Olympus.

It's born out of a combination of GAS, the curiosity of 'the other' brand or system, and the fact that I quite enjoy the buying and selling aspect of it all and don't loose a huge amount of money on kit.

Each brand has its advantages and disadvantages, but through all this kit the one thing I've realised is that unless you need something specific ( like mega resolution etc) that the camera really is such a minor part of taking a picture.

I'm at the point now where I've decided that whatever brand I buy into next will be the last one and I will actually try to spend my time conentrating on taking pictures rather than kit..... ( well that's what I tell myself ;) )
I'm wondering if many here have actually returned to film format may it be 35mm or medium format photography instead of their digital gear? Not many I'm sure....

I'm presently looking to purchase a medium format camera in the not to distant future as I actually miss it a lot to be honest! And to keep my Fuji X system.
I have been shooting for 10yrs now and have switched

Nikon to Fuji
Fuji to Canon
Canon to Nikon
Nikon to Fuji
Back now with Nikon and stuck.

Its a waste of money, completely. It hasnt made me any better.

Dont do it. Move only if the system wont let you do what you NEED, and I bet there is a way.

Not quite sure how I could have made my DSLR smaller and lighter. The decision for me was difficult, having used Canons for over 40 years, but lugging a heavy bag about is not my idea of fun.

I suppose there was some kind of sense of achievement when carrying my 5D around, suitably equipped with a chunky L series lens and battery grip, but I'm not professional and I believe that the X-T1 will suit me just fine.

What I want more than to be a camera snob is to enjoy my hobby and lightening the previously heavy load will be a great help.
Mostly I'd agree but maybe switching becomes more tempting when new technology comes along..
And all of that goes round in circles, a few years ago (landscape) people wanted 5D Mk2s because they were 20+mpx & the 17-40/4 was cheap as chips, now it's all about Nikon and the 36mpx / far superior shadow recovery.

I personally started with Nikon because I like the feel of the camera, would take alot for me to change. All cameras take pictures, so I'm a bit meh about it all really.

(I reserve the right to change my 70-200/2.8 for a 4 in time though if I can't be arsed with the weight ;))
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Yes switched from Canon to Sony, i wanted higher resolution and compact.
70-200 F4. Hhmmmmm.
And all of that goes round in circles, a few years ago (landscape) people wanted 5D Mk2s because they were 20+mpx & the 17-40/4 was cheap as chips, now it's all about Nikon and the 36mpx / far superior shadow recovery.

I personally started with Nikon because I like the feel of the camera, would take alot for me to change. All cameras take pictures, so I'm a bit meh about it all really.

(I reserve the right to change my 70-200/2.8 for a 4 in time though if I can't be arsed with the weight ;))

I'm not sure it goes around in circles as I'm not thinking about the Nikon v Conon and who's better today thing, what I mean is new technology and shifts in the industry such as 35mm film to digital and the more recent emergence of mirrorless cameras. I think that those sort of shifts are more persuasive than the really rather (arguably) small differences that we see between cameras of similar types from the major manufacturers.

For example, I can see that the differences between a 7D and whatever Nikon's equivalent is may be pretty insignificant for many if not all users but the difference between a 7D and an eos 100 or a 7D and a Panasonic G6 or Fuji XT1 are maybe a little more significant.
I'm not sure it goes around in circles as I'm not thinking about the Nikon v Conon and who's better today thing, what I mean is new technology and shifts in the industry such as 35mm film to digital and the more recent emergence of mirrorless cameras. I think that those sort of shifts are more persuasive than the really rather (arguably) small differences that we see between cameras of similar types from the major manufacturers.

For example, I can see that the differences between a 7D and whatever Nikon's equivalent is may be pretty insignificant for many if not all users but the difference between a 7D and an eos 100 or a 7D and a Panasonic G6 or Fuji XT1 are maybe a little more significant.

Well I used landscaping as an example as there was shift to Canon for the 5D Mk2 and now there has been a shift to Nikon for the D810/810 but the rest I'd say you a pretty spot on with.
I'm wondering if many here have actually returned to film format may it be 35mm or medium format photography instead of their digital gear? Not many I'm sure....

I'm presently looking to purchase a medium format camera in the not to distant future as I actually miss it a lot to be honest! And to keep my Fuji X system.

@XA2inmypocket mentioned some posts back that he has gone back to film. I suppose I grew up with film cameras but was never into photography (auto point and clicks). I've recently developed an interest in film since learning on digital. Got a Bronica SQAI last year. Absolutely love what it can do but I keep the Nikon DSLR as well as I do like the instant results. It's great having the choice.
I'm wondering if many here have actually returned to film format may it be 35mm or medium format photography instead of their digital gear? Not many I'm sure....

I'm presently looking to purchase a medium format camera in the not to distant future as I actually miss it a lot to be honest! And to keep my Fuji X system.

Well switched from Fujica film stuff to Canon Digital, now have canon film cameras that fit my ef lenses as well.

I bought up quite a few polaroid cameras as well, that make a change to use.
I switched from 4 Canon digital cameras to a Nikon film camera(Nikon F4s) and then a medium format film camera... now I use both Nikon film and Nikon digital cameras.
I am in mid swap from Canon to Fuji. At the moment I have kept one canon body and a 100-400mm zoom for wildlife as the Fuji focus and tracking are not up to the standard I like. I'm sure in Year or two they will get there then I will go to Fuji.
At the beginning of last year, I sold all of my Canon gear (including a 5DMKIII and a 300mm f/2.8) and switched to Nikon... Although I got some cracking shots with the Nikon gear, I never quite gelled with it in the same way that I did with the Canon stuff. Throughout last year, I'd been shooting with Fuji gear (X-Pro1 and X20) and decided to make it a one-horse-race back in November when I got rid of the Nikon kit. To be honest, it never bothered me in the slightest. :)

I'm now shooting exclusively on a Fuji X-T1 and a variety of different lenses although I'll be adding a Canon 5DMKIII and long primes back into the mix later this year... I miss the Canon gear for wildlife and aviation stuff. :)
See I think I could quite easily switch brands, as I am fairly new I wouldn't till at my limits, but as I only have a 60d, 85 1.8 and the sigma 17-50 2.8 which was all bought used and for good prices I could quite easily sell on for little to no loss. Where to is a different matter, it would depend what I needed and who could provide it best and budget at the time. I see the nx1 hasn't convinced anyone to move to samsung like they hoped.
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Switched from a Canon 7D to a Fuji X-Pro 1 shortly after returning home from Malaysia. The bulk of the 7D really bugged me during that holiday. I switched for the smaller form factor and I am more than happy over a year later. My Fuji with a lens weighs less than a 7D body on its own! Image quality is improved, too.
I think I have shot with most brands and formats at some point in my life from Barbie Cam to Hasselblad and have arrived to this point in my life where I own A Leica M Monochrome and a Fuji X-T1, the Fuji can accomodate the Leica glass via adapter but I also have a very decent set of fuji X lenses for the Fuji. I feel at this point in my life & the way I shoot that I prefer the CCD sensor image quality as it renders closer to the way I like my images to look. I am thinking at this point to get rid of the Fuji Kit and get myself an M9 and another Leica lens..DSLR option is far too big bulky and clumsey for the style I enjoy right now and the quality of mirrorless systems have gotten so good these days.. My ideal kit would be...

Leica M Monochrom
Leica M9-p

Leica 24 Summilux
Leica 35 Summilux
Leica 50 Summilux
Leica 75 Summilux

The 24 is the least important to me ... If I could only have 1 lens 1 camera then it would be the Leica M M0onochrom and a Leica Noctilux 50mm f0.95 ASPH
I'm wondering if many here have actually returned to film format may it be 35mm or medium format photography instead of their digital gear? Not many I'm sure....

I'm presently looking to purchase a medium format camera in the not to distant future as I actually miss it a lot to be honest! And to keep my Fuji X system.
I think that you would be surprised! Not just fusty and crusty. Film is very hip with the kids as well. I changed to digital pretty early, having spent over thirty years in the Age of Film. I am a bit of a geek. I was attracted to computers and binaries before it was the norm. I still have my feet planted in the Digital Age - I have over 5,000 images shared on Flickr.

However, after proceeding through early digital p&s cameras, then bridge Fujifilm, the Pentax DSLR, then Sony DSLR - two years ago I returned to film. 35mm and 120 medium format. Absolutely no regrets. Film gives me so much more. I recently made a conscious effort to use more digital - but it failed. I'm stuck with enjoying film for the time being.
At the beginning of last year, I sold all of my Canon gear (including a 5DMKIII and a 300mm f/2.8) and switched to Nikon... Although I got some cracking shots with the Nikon gear, I never quite gelled with it in the same way that I did with the Canon stuff. Throughout last year, I'd been shooting with Fuji gear (X-Pro1 and X20) and decided to make it a one-horse-race back in November when I got rid of the Nikon kit. To be honest, it never bothered me in the slightest. :)

I'm now shooting exclusively on a Fuji X-T1 and a variety of different lenses although I'll be adding a Canon 5DMKIII and long primes back into the mix later this year... I miss the Canon gear for wildlife and aviation stuff. :)

Didnt know you'd sold your Nikon gear Si. Welcome back to the fold.

I would happily use both Nikon and Canon. D810 for landscapes and 1DX for wildlife. Wouldnt have a D4S coz I dont get on with Nikons ergonomically but with landscapes speed is not important so a D810 would fit the bill. But I dont take many landscapes. If I get to the point that I do maybe I will run the 2 brands.

Never looked at Fuji, would need some convincing to buy one but Id never say never.
Had Nikon D40x. Hated it. Had an Olympus E520 DSLR, it was good but not great. Upgraded to Panasonic GH1, saving weight, gaining IQ and better lens prospects. Still wasn't quite cutting it. Went all film. Got fed up scanning negatives, decided I needed a Digital camera again. Got Fuji S3 to see if the sensor was as good as it's claimed - it was. Got Fuji S5 so it would actually fit in my bag. Got another S5 and converted it to Infra Red. Got bigger bag. Added Nikon F100 to share lenes. Got fed up of being crippled by weight, sold the lot and bought Sony A7R, decided if I was buying a camera I damn well wanted the best. Sony didn't live up to the hype. Got Fuji XT-1, best camera system to date. And I'm not saying that coz it's just flavour of the month, as a system it does hands down beat anything else I've used - everything is brilliant quality*, it's light and supremely capable. If I had the money to spare though I would definitely have a 5D2 hanging around though, just because the look you get from a Canon landscape is pretty unique.

*18-55 lens did fail on me for seemingly no reason, was repaired promptly though and is now used more than ever.
Had Nikons for years, last one was a D300 but sold it after a trip to Paris with the camera and a bag full of f2.8 lenses. I was just so heavy. I made the mistake of listening to people telling me to get better glass......
So, after a wide range of smaller cameras including Leica and Fuji, I finally settled on Olympus, (but with a couple of Fuji's because they are so good).
Oh, I had a Canon once, I sold it to buy a Minolta!
Yet the nx1 seems to be a very capable camera with amazing reviews.. although how many people with an established setup would sell it all for 1 good camera with (currently) 2 premium lenses available? They need more lens choice and possibly a decent ff camera before people will swap? Although there should be a wide angle and a 300 2.8 out soon
I switched from Canon to Nikon. Glad I did. However if I were starting in photography now I may be put off Nikon due to their recent QC issues, which frankly is unforgivable for a 'premier' brand.
Yet the nx1 seems to be a very capable camera with amazing reviews.. although how many people with an established setup would sell it all for 1 good camera with (currently) 2 premium lenses available? They need more lens choice and possibly a decent ff camera before people will swap? Although there should be a wide angle and a 300 2.8 out soon

Yup but even if it was a more fleshed out system how many people would look at it? Samsung seem to be (almost) ignored and I don't know what will change that and get them mentioned in the same breath as Fuji and Olympus who seem to be the darlings of the CSC world.

bought Sony A7R, decided if I was buying a camera I damn well wanted the best. Sony didn't live up to the hype. Got Fuji XT-1, best camera system to date...

Just keep telling yourself that and you wont miss the unmatchable (by your puny APS-C) full frame goodness of the overhyped A7 series :D

And now that I've removed my tongue from me cheek :D

Overhyped? I'm not sure that that's the case and if anything I'd say that the A7 series is a bit of a sleeper compared to some others and actually with lots of negative comments about costs and limited native lens choice etc. Fuji in particular seem to be the brand that is getting the positive publicity/blog/internet space. Maybe :D Maybe the A7x biggest problem is that it's Sony and attracts negativity for being so in a similar way that Samsung is almost ignored.
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I moved from Nikon to Canon after marrying my wife. I had a D40 she has a 400D. Saw a 450D at a sensible price and both having an EF mount saves a load on lenses. Now I have a 70D and am still enjoying the system.
Overhyped? I'm not sure that that's the case and if anything I'd say that the A7 series is a bit of a sleeper compared to some others and actually with lots of negative comments about costs and limited native lens choice etc. Fuji in particular seem to be the brand that is getting the positive publicity/blog/internet space. Maybe :D Maybe the A7x biggest problem is that it's Sony and attracts negativity for being so in a similar way that Samsung is almost ignored.

Having had both an equal amount of time I'm a lot happier with the Fuji. There was most definitely a lot more hype about the A7 than the XT1 at the time - I didn't even know Fuji were planning it until way after it was out. I had looked at the X system before pre ordering the A7R but in the end decided to trade native lenses for Full frame sensor. In fact it was the strength of the sample images from the 55mm that did it, but of course what is shot by professionals with proper lighting and what is shot by me in the Welsh weather are two different things! I found the resolution very impressive. I found the lens performance of my old lenses on such a massive resolution impressive. I did not find the camera pleasant to use in many respects, the layout was poor, the menus are forged from pure evil, but the hardest thing to live with was the colour rendering. I just could not get great colour from it without major struggle, no matter what I pointed it at, it just never clicked with me.

Dave is very happy with it now though, I guess because it is so much like the D800 he already had in terms of colour and so on it isn't an issue. But it was an issue to me, I like my Fuji colours!
I started off with Samsung/Pentax, then swapped to Canon, then Nikon for a year and now back (and sticking) with Canon.
Where Fuji are currently lagging behind is in the long lens stakes. They need to extract their digits and get their super-tele on the shelves ASAP!