How many shots

Can anyone tell me how i can find out from my D80 how many shots i have taken to date please.

Download opanda exif viewer (if you are on Windows) it is free.

Open your last jpeg in it, and near the bottom will be total shutter actuations.
Wouldnt this depend on the file numbering system you have chosen, i.e. Continual Numbering or is this taken from another source?
Wouldnt this depend on the file numbering system you have chosen, i.e. Continual Numbering or is this taken from another source?

opanda exif shows total shutter, file numbering has no bearing on it
No, sorry. Unless you are running VMWare Fusion or similar :)
Martyn, on the mac, open your image in

Then, in the Tools menu at the top, go to inspector [probably the first menu option]. Up pops a sidebar window, telling you all sorts of stuff. The middle tab has a Nikon button [insert your own camera manufacturer here..]!

If you click on that, you'll get shutter count and all your EXIF data.