Beginner How to capture a grainy portrait

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I am pretty new to photography, and would like to know how to capture a grainy portrait in black and white, i turned my iso up to 8000 expecting that to do it, but it didnt seem to make any difference (scratches head)...what do i need to do?
Dean, you can "add noise/grain" in most PP applications and "add grain" in specialised B & W apps
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Dean, you can "add noise" in most PP applications and "add grain" in specialised B & W apps
Thanks, i will look into that, i am using Gimp to touch my pics up, i will see if it has it, thanks a lot
You could try DXO Filmpack too. Earlier versions can be downloaded free and they do a free trial too. It simulates film and there's a handy slider to adjust the grain too. I use this for most of my B&W conversions. I prefer the results to what PS produces (probably user error on my part).
if you search for gimp and grain there are several solutions/plug ins etc. that do what you want