How to: Clones

Edit My Images
A few people have asked me recently how I do my cloning technique, so thought I would put down a tutorial here. The images I used have been taken quickly (around 5 minutes tops) and so I haven't really concentrated on image quality rather than simply getting the images online for the tutorial.

Okay, so you need to get your image in your mind now and how you want the final result to be - where all the clones are sitting, standing etc. Any objects etc (best to try without

objects initially as these do take some thought!).

Meter your shot and ensure you are NOT shooting in RAW. You do not want to be editing each individual frame at this stage. Remeber the settings and then set your camera to manual

with these settings. The camera obviously needs to be mounted on a tripod and take a test shot to ensure you have your focus set. Make sure then the focus is set to manual also.

Now when you're happy change the camera to timer delay shot. Depending on the model of camera this should give you around 10 seconds to get into place - remember this when figuring

out where you are going to be!

Right then! Take the first shot. Think about your placements and then quickly move into place and pose for the camera! Then repeat for as many different poses as you want. In my

quick (very quick!) example, I chose to have three different poses and actually changed shirt etc for the effect!

Once you are happy with your shots then its off to the computer and Adobe PhotoShop CS2 (my example).

Load all pictures into PS - again in my example it means I have three.

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Use the Move Tool (V) and go to the first image. Press and hold SHIFT and move this image onto the top of another image. This will create a Layer 1 in the other image and this image

with multiple layers has become our working image.

Repeat with the next images adding them as layers to the working image. Once you have all your images as layers on the working image, then you can close them all so you only have the

working image open.

Your original image should be called the Background image and then above it Layer 1, Layer 2 etc, etc. Click on Layer 1.

At the bottom of the layers details you will see various icons. The square was a circle in it is "Add Layer Mask" and this is our friend. Click on it and a white box appears beside

Layer 1.

Above it you will see the colour tab - ensure that the top colour is Black and the bottom colour is White. Double click on each colour to set them if not.

Now if you have a Layer 2 and above, click on the eye(s) so that it is only Layer 1 and Background that have eyes. You can only view these two layers at the moment.

Select the Brush tool and make the size about 60. Roughly where you are in the layer below (in this case, the Background layer) start brushing. You should see the layer below coming

through. Try not to get the edges of you just yet but the middle bits - the edges may well be a different shade because of the lighting so we can erase them out after brushing using

the eraser tool.

When you are happy with the clone then click on the eye of Layer 2 and Add Layer Mask again - repeat as above only this time, you are adding in the layer below (Layer 1) which now has

the two clones in - so your adding both clones again. You can be much rougher with the brush though.

I only put three clones in this image but obviously you just keep going until you're done!

When finished then I click on Layer and flatten image and you now have a single cloned layer.

You can now play around with the image as you would any other (curves, levels, crop etc) and hey presto, you're done!

Now lets see what your creativity does ... :D
Excellent stuff, I've tried this twice with mixed results and fumbled my way each time - look forward to giving this a go!

Thanks for taking the time to write and post this!(y)
here we go my attempt i did agews ago after seeing it in DP magazine once......

think the site amy have cropped the bottom off as i cant be arsed to resize it then re upload it but u get the idea......
Ive been trying to do this for over an hour, I cant do it GRRRRRRRRR

Im using CS2. I only trying to do it with 2 images
i have background layer and layer 1, have set top colour to black and bottom to white.
I had layer 1 selected the click the layer mask icon. white box appeared
All i get is black brush marks on my picture?
Wot am I doing wrong??????
Please help before my computer goes out the window (clearly its fault an not mine lol)
Personally I wouldn't use layers - this method couldn't be easier.

Thanyou very much, Thats much easier, took me all of about 2 minsutes to do it with that method :)

Having read both, the layers approach seems far simpler to me. Though I would use them in the opposite order.

With the clone layer I would use the eraser on the mask to 'rub out' the clone. Then when you have finished invert the mask so it only shows the clone on top of the image underneath. Then repeat for each layer.

There are two advantages of this. You do not have to guess where in the picture the clone is that you are trying to reveal as you are looking at it. Also for each layer you only have to cut one hole in the mask, rather than needing to reveal two clones for the third layer, three on the fourth etc.

I had layer 1 selected the click the layer mask icon. white box appeared
All i get is black brush marks on my picture?
Wot am I doing wrong??????

You are painting on the layer itself, not on the mask. You need to click on the white square for the mask (it will then show a thin square border inside it) before you start painting.

Incidentally, I always use the eraser on layer masks rather than a brush tool. It works exactly the same way except you do not need to worry about selecting colours.

Cool I'll have a shot of this.

Is it intentional, or a by product of thetechnique that has caused the glass door to blow out a little in the final image?