how to get out of doing a wedding

Go and meet the couple to be. Just as you meet the bride to be say "hang on.... I know I have met you before....(pause)..... it used to be David didn't it?!"
This is terrible of you all!!! :nono:

I just read a thread earlier today about how disgraceful it was about that wedding company not showing up for someone's wedding and you all burned them at the stake for it and now you are all advising him to do the same thing essentially! ;)

On a serious note, I'd just get on with it now and do the wedding. However, get it arranged for the best man to do all the organising for the posed shots - he should know who everyone is so it'll be quicker plus it takes the stress away from you having to round people up.

Good luck though.
When you discuss the shoot with them insist there has to be a ball (of the sporting variety, nobody wants to see the brides balls) in every shot. It would help if you had props, the more varied the better.
haha im in for the second too, how many togs do they want then Tony ???

would be great seeing you work under pressure after your cool approach courtside :LOL:
Do it, enjoy it and feel good when they thank you for it after and rave about the pictures you present them with.

Then on't be such a fool again in the future ;)
Despite everyhting I have done.. even a notice on my website about not doing wedding... I have been roped into doing one for a mate in late october..

So.. How do I get out of it... I am thinking break em up somehow? no wedding = no photographer :)

Any other suggestions...

Say no :)
How about saying that as you're doing it as a freebie, you've asked a few mates round to help and then turn it into a TP location shoot ?

I'm sure that with 45 photographers they will be more than pleased :LOL:

At least with 45 people shooting they might get some decent images..

I can imagine Kipax telling the bride to run up the aisle, as he's not used to shooting subjects that move so slowly. ;)
At least with 45 people shooting they might get some decent images..

I can imagine Kipax telling the bride to run up the aisle, as he's not used to shooting subjects that move so slowly. ;)

get the vicar to hold up a yellow card :)

Looks like I am just going to have to man up to it :(
Kipax - no doubting your togging ability but why not see if one of the lovely people on here will let you shadow/second shoot for them for the day so you can pick up the 'must have' shots/tips/know how?

I am sure there would be a fair few willing to help you out after all you have contributed.
Kipax - no doubting your togging ability but why not see if one of the lovely people on here will let you shadow/second shoot for them for the day so you can pick up the 'must have' shots/tips/know how?

I am sure there would be a fair few willing to help you out after all you have contributed.

wish i could.. but am booked weekends all yr round and going to have to take a day off (and lose so much money) for this.. I would be taking the day off to go to his wedding anyway... so thats not the prob.. but cant afford any other saturdays as its half a weeks wage to me..

I hve an idea what to do and they will be told what to expect... oh hum..
Goddammit Tony, you want me to do it for you?
wish i could.. but am booked weekends all yr round and going to have to take a day off (and lose so much money) for this.. I would be taking the day off to go to his wedding anyway... so thats not the prob.. but cant afford any other saturdays as its half a weeks wage to me..

I hve an idea what to do and they will be told what to expect... oh hum..

Do you do a weekday job too?
Do you do a weekday job too?

yeagh its called photography :) i am full time freelance.. but my biggest money is earnt sat... also big sunday.. weekdays is processing pics (taken over weekend) to sell on my website or the odd shoot i get from papers or other sources...
Aha! I knew you were a pro but didn't know if it would stop you dropping in on a weekday wedding.

Best o luck matey. Drop AliB a line - apparently she is Godess of wedding advice :)
Aha! I knew you were a pro but didn't know if it would stop you dropping in on a weekday wedding.

i never thought of midweek weddings......
Maybe just tell him your nervous about bodging the photos up and making that aspect of the day something he will resent you for forever? Any sensible man who is a mate will completely understand that concept. A woman however. Well thats anyones guess how she will see it as its likely to be a trade off in reduction in money available for the shoes or pointless boxes of Godiva chocolates which nobody will notice or even eat on the tables.
Originally Posted by parkmoy
If you've given your word to do it, get on with it and stop whinging You'll think twice in future before agreeing to something
Yes Dad

And don't think I don't know about your drinking and smoking.....:naughty::naughty::naughty:
erk ..its this coming saturday...yikes!

Got a meeting wiht bride and groom wed... got wedding rehersal in church thursday when i will be talkign to the vicar about photography and at least get chance to do some test shots.
just get clattered on the day... you'll feel much better the day after if it was all a blur :beer:

Just say "there's a reason I don't list weddings on my business site. I don't shoot them. I hate them, the images will probably be crap because it's not something I enjoy shooting".

I've turned down many recently saying (and it being because of this)
keep us all posted, im sure there are plenty of people here that can help with ideas :)

I have an idea what to do from what I have read and weddings been to.. but am under no illusions as to what I can do (I aint experienced weddings so that will show) . I know for a fact no flash in church and AFAIK can photogrpah so long as not intrusive while ceremony on... will fine tune that info thur

1dmkIV + 1dmkIII and 35mm F2, 85mm F1.8 and 135mm F2 will hopefully suffice inside with the 135mm being the best lens and if I use that and stand back I should be less in the way.. but I dont know the layout yet... not afraid to use high iso on the mkIV as I do a lot of indoor non flash work

1dmkIV and 17-40 f4 for setups outside church.. thats my only zoom .. will use the mkIV for that and put summat els on the mkIII for candids..
I've turned down many recently saying (and it being because of this)

and if you have had a few drinks.. one of yer mates begs you?
good luck, I am trainee second on one that day as well..........

must admit I don't get the reason for "no flashes in church" malarky........... it is because it's viewed as satanic or something???? :shrug:

Fortunately for my baptism of fire, it's in a well lit conservatory / ballroom of a hotel......... i think my main problem will be all the notes on the panes of glass saying "warning, glass" etc.......... (but as a 2nd, not my problem)
good luck, I am trainee second on one that day as well..........

must admit I don't get the reason for "no flashes in church" malarky........... it is because it's viewed as satanic or something???? :shrug:

Fortunately for my baptism of fire, it's in a well lit conservatory / ballroom of a hotel......... i think my main problem will be all the notes on the panes of glass saying "warning, glass" etc.......... (but as a 2nd, not my problem) :LOL::LOL::LOL:
I've done something nearly similar. in agreeing to take pics at the reception and retaking some bridal /couple pics as a mate got married abroad and wants some extra snaps.
told them not to expect much!

however, if you want to get out of it.....just meet him down the pub wearing your underpants on your heeeed and when he says "are you alright?" just reply...


Get yourself a second shooter from on here. That way at least you can relax to some extent as someone else will be there to encourage you, make sure you take the lens cap off and stop someone running off with your gear....
and if you have had a few drinks.. one of yer mates begs you?

Ah! The perils of the demon drink! My friends all know that when I've had a few, my answers stay the same but get less polite.

It's way too late to back out now; you've said yes and now you're commited to the job. You know which bit to hold and which way to point the shiny bit, so treat it like a slow moving sport and try to enjoy it - you never know, you actually might!
must admit I don't get the reason for "no flashes in church" malarky........... it is because it's viewed as satanic or something???? :shrug:
It's not that it's viewed as satanic, just distracting. On the whole (there are always exceptions) the Church considers weddings to be a sacred act on which the focus should be on the couple making a commitment to each other before God and their family and friends - it's both a solemn and joyful service. Having flashes going off inevitably distracts from the solemnity of the occasion.

At my wedding on Saturday, the rule was no photography at all during the ceremony. I think that is going too far, and it's a shame that the most poignant moments of the day aren't on record, but I'd defend the Church's decision because they want to keep the marriage ceremony sacred, and that's their role.

Back to the topic - Tony, you'll be fine. I did my first wedding for friends as an overconfident 20 year old, with a Minolta 7D and two kit lenses, and they were happy with the results. You're a good photographer who clearly has good technique, so you'll get acceptable results. They might not be the greatest works of art, but on the whole couples are delighted just to have in focus, well exposed pictures of them enjoying their day, and you can easily deliver that.