How to setup narrowband wifi ?


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OK, inlaws want the advantage of wireless for their laptop, but sticking to normal dial up (narrowband). Anybody have any advice on setup required ?

I'm fine with broadband wifi as have had it for 3-4 years now....but this one has me stumped.
I am no expert on this but it shouldn't really matter if their internet is broadband or not?

What you will have to do though is run it through a main rig first and have that send the wireless info to the lappy, so you are basically setting up a home network.

If you wish to use just the laptop and were thinking of buying a "wirless router" to feed the internet then as far as I am aware there are no products available which contain a dial up modem as part of the router. Maybe the manufacturers figure that if you are advanced enough to use wireless then you are likely to be using broadband?
or you could get a router, just a 4 port jobbie and connect that all in?
...but if they only have a laptop & no base unit to connect Network to normally ? They can't justify broadband as a) pensioners & b) do not use enough to justify......but still want to be able to connect portabley round house without wires. SO demanding these people ;)
I would personally use a very cheap pc to route the dial up to a wireless router and then use the lappy to connect to that.

Its a shame I am no longer in the UK as I had loads of bits that would have been good enough to create a basic system good enough for that purpose. You could have had them for nothing. :(
Cheers Steve.......I've already offered them a basic PC for nowt, but they just don't want extra kit :(. Found a wireless telephone extension that seems halfway house here. Basically as long as near a plug in house they could connect. Half tempted to scan for any neighbours with WIFI & see if they could piggy back on them ;)
The neighbours wifi is always an option and one I fully agree with doing, if they are stupid enough to leave their connection unsecured then that is their fault. Obviously should they become more educated and secure their network in the future your relatives will loose their net access though, that could be a right pain for you and is always worth bearing in mind.
Although there are ways round it with specific S/W, that of course would not condone :whistle2:
Laptop wireless to router, pc wired to router.

pc (with modem) running ICS (internet connection sharing) for the dialup

You can get 1Mb for a tenner a month with free setup and free modem from - surely dialup costs them close to that?
Steve said:
The neighbours wifi is always an option and one I fully agree with doing, if they are stupid enough to leave their connection unsecured then that is their fault.

I share your thoughts Steve but very naughty...:hand:
Bottom line is, if they don't want 'extra kit', I'd hazard a guess that they don't have a dedicated line for internet access, which means that with only one line, having a permanent internet connection is a really bad idea as they wouldn't ever be able to use the phone.

You used to be able to get network hubs back in the days when dialup was all there was, but I haven't seen one in years, and they were never wireless.

Only solution as far as I can see - go broadband. You can go with Tiscali for £14.99/month including free hardware and setup. You can't get dialup for much less than that these days as demand for dialup and related hardware is waning.

I got one of these recently - very highly recommended:
Cheers guys. They are only online for a few mins each day (so doesn't cost much pay as you go) , but still want to be able to sit wherever........ hope I'm not that akward when old ;)....ok older ;)
It's in the bin now .......hard drive errors....tried new drive & then found other h/w errors. Gone to the great "fill in site" in the sky ;)
Do the right thing and buy them a decent Broadband connection and set up the wi-fi for them.
It's your parents, for God's sake. Are they worth the £17 a month to you?
Well I'll just add it to the Laptop, new TV & holiday I bought them this year ;) Seriously though they just don't want broadband....they have those old values of waste not want not........they just won't use it enough. I'll probably sort them out the bluetooth version according to which Laptop I can get hold of for them.

BTW did I say how expensive their lovely daughter is I married ...4th house move on its way in last 5 years :dizzy: :sadcry: :laugh1: I wonder if Gordon Brown will give me a bulk buy discount :whistle2:
ahhh... in-laws... Should have read more carefully.

Burn their house down.
Arkady said:
ahhh... in-laws... Should have read more carefully.

Burn their house down.


Sometimes you just catch something at the wrong time, does anyone know what's the best thing to clean tea of a tft screen. :banghead: