Hoya filters

When it comes to Hoya CPL filters don't bother with the el cheapos, get the Pro1 series.
I use them with the same lenses you have.
Ok so what good ones that dont cost an arm and a leg. I appreciate that putting not very good glass in front on good class is a false economy but i dont want to break the bank.

Depends what you want to achieve from a filter.
Go here for an explanation for what each type of filter does: http://www.hoyafilter.com/products/hoya/index.html.

You can pay a lot more for filters but for the lenses you have, the Pro1 series will be fine.
ive got the pro1 series uv and the normal hoya uv ones and there is no difference in these what so ever, im sure there is a thread on here comparing the results of this?
the c/p on the other hand may be different though as ive never used any of these i cant really comment.
When it comes to Hoya CPL filters don't bother with the el cheapos, get the Pro1 series.

Same here, got mine off Ebay last week, looks a far higher quality than the cheapos.
The problem with filters is flare. If you point a cheap one towards bright light, you will get reflections showing up as coloured spots or patches in the picture.

Multi-coating reduces this dramatically, but is not cheap. And top quality polarising filters are always expensive, but worth it. Get a multi-coated filter like Hoya Pro-1 or made by B+W (they don't do cheap :LOL: ).

If you want to save money, make do without a UV filter. It does nothing except protect the lens. Use a lens hood instead, and take a bit of care.
I tend to find a combination of a hood and CPL filter to work well with landscape shots on bright sunny days.
The hood helps to reduce the flare and the filter certainly improves colour saturation and reduces the issue of blown skies.
A CPL is also great for using in reflective situations like birds on water.
I've read a lot of posts on here by far more experiecenced toggers about the yays and nays of UV filters so rather than waste money on UV's, I've gone with their oppinions.
I appreciate that putting not very good glass in front on good class is a false economy but i dont want to break the bank.


[Ok so what good ones that dont cost an arm and a leg. ]

The cost an arm and a leg new, but have you looked for s/h or tried a wanted ad, I have quality filters on all my lens, all s/h.