Hugs to Everyone


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Happy New Year Everybody.

Now the whiskey's all finished I should be a bit less 'grrr...'

Jewel - I love you, you're great. (and yes it was a joke: see me smile?)

Gfk - I'm sorry. I was trying to make the point that platitudes never helped anyone improve.

I have never - and I mean NEVER insulted anyone's images on this forum and never will.
I may say something along the lines of "it doesn't do much for me.." or "this subject matter doesn't float my boat."
But photography is subjective - that's the great thing about it.

I come here for a laugh - not to get in people's faces.:)
Happy New Year Rob & here's looking forward to improved photographs this year
Happy New Year Rob, and everyone else!
The enemy...


A Happy, snappy, healthy, wealthy and productive 2006 to Arkady and everyone else on the best Forum !?! And that's what I say !:smilenod: :thumb: :smilenod:
No amount of training will let you beat them you know ;)
The malt wasn't the problem, it was the whole bottle of Port and the Wife-Beater afterwards that did it...
Arkady said:
The malt wasn't the problem, it was the whole bottle of Port and the Wife-Beater afterwards that did it...


Happy New Year to you anyway, I look forward to meeting you later this month to sample some of your wit first hand :D

Arkady said:
it was the whole bottle of Port

Nice at the time though, aint it :D

flushes the stilton out of the teeth.
Happy new year to you as well mate... I Was going to say that I hope you were'nt too delicate after drinking that lot... but I changed my mind ;)

And there was me last night that drank... half a glass of red wine.
Happy new year Rob

Gfk - I'm sorry. I was trying to make the point that platitudes never helped anyone improve.
Arguments are soooo last year. Let's just forget about it. :)
But Carlborg Expert? Ouch indeed! My head has just about stopped banging now...

Happy New Year one and all!
Happy new year all :D

I don't do late nights... I feel kind of numb today after 3.30 finish. Stayed on white wine until someone insisted on Tiquila shots at 2 am :dizzy:
Happy new year to everyone, hope you had a good night and all the best for the future :)
Ah, go on then! /me hugs all round in a manly disinterested kind of way. :D

Truth is I'm very glad to be here, yesterday I had an argument with a 150yr old stone wall in a work van, the wall won resoundingly. Result - wall unmarked, van a write off, me unhurt apart from a bit of a sore neck this morning.

****** black ice! and ****! Bear Scotland for not gritting the road!

Happy New Year - hope its a good one for you all :)
Happy New Year to all of you too! Hope you all don't feel like I do,lol Ahh it was sooo worth it though isn't it?lol Kids are gone for three days to grandmas, so I can recoup! Whoo hooo! :dance:

PS. Arkady, "I love you Jewel???LOL Too much sauce there?LOL I get your point though, thanks. Hugs for everyone. :)


There is never, I repeat NEVER enough sauce.

Rude is good. Keeps you sane, even if you never go there, it's good to know you still have pulling-power...