Humber Bridge

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Thank you! For No.3 i had about 2 foot worth of land to stand on as it was on the day of the bad weather. Nearly fell in at one point!

I've found your similar shot and your weather was a lot more moody. I love that POV. I'll see how the horizon looks when it is straight to compare.

Thanks for the input!
I definitely like the pano shot, especially with the sun behind the trees (not much sun these days :() and No3 is a good keeper for the angle and depth it creates. Not to keen on tilted horizons though, the image has to be something special for it to work for me.
Was it a conscious decision to leave your horizons like ski-slopes, because if it was, they don't work for me.
great photos, might have to add it to the list of places to visit when i'm a little better at this photography thing
Than you! Having the horizon on an angle was definite intentional when taking the photo as i took straight pics of the same views as well. I am looking at printing these photos as i have never printed any of my photos to date.
No 1, great panorama and like the little flare off the sun, 3 is a great image, loads of depth and an unusual view. The others are a bit unusual but I actually do like them. No 4 works particularly for me. Horizons are supposed to be flat but rules are meant to be broken sometimes!!