Hung Out To Dry

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We had these flowers left over from a bunch. Whilst the sunflowers looked stunning from the front I was more drawn to backs of them.

Maybe it was just me.

Background was an old door the sacking/hessian was nabbed off the Brickie who'd been using it to cover is brickwork up.

All comments feedback/critique is welcomed.


This is great love the tones, did you post edit the colours?
Beautiful. You have nailed the colours IMO.

Reason for upside down-ness? I have an inkling, but wondered if that was what you were thinking too...
This is great love the tones, did you post edit the colours?
Hi Toni.
Thanks for the feedback. Yes the colours have been tweaked. I desaturated them a bit, not so much on the yellow petals more so on the green stems. Dropped the luminance on them too which as a similiar effect "I think"
In my experiance I have found yellow to be hard to work with the light seems to blow them out somehow.
That said these were ok.
Hope that helps.
I really do like this and can see why you chose this composition
Thanks Gary
Beautiful. You have nailed the colours IMO.

Reason for upside down-ness? I have an inkling, but wondered if that was what you were thinking too...
Hi Ian.

Happy to hear you liked this image.
Prey tell me your inkling.......

My only reason for having them hanging upside down, wasas if to dry them out.

It was the only plausable way I could think of to photograph them from the back " which is what attracted me to them" as they looked bad in a vase.

Hi Toni.
Thanks for the feedback. Yes the colours have been tweaked. I desaturated them a bit, not so much on the yellow petals more so on the green stems. Dropped the luminance on them too which as a similiar effect "I think"
In my experiance I have found yellow to be hard to work with the light seems to blow them out somehow.
That said these were ok.
Hope that helps.

Thanks Gary

Hi Ian.

Happy to hear you liked this image.
Prey tell me your inkling.......

My only reason for having them hanging upside down, wasas if to dry them out.

It was the only plausable way I could think of to photograph them from the back " which is what attracted me to them" as they looked bad in a vase.

You have done a great job Gaz, really like everything about the photo
Excellent, very creative ;)
Prey tell me your inkling.......
I wondered if it was a death thing... Hanging upside down... Reminded me in a (very probably) weird way of the Hanged Man in the tarot deck - what with the yellow heads and all...

I did wonder whether you had perhaps taken it the right way up then inverted it...

I think perhaps I read too much into things :)
You have done a great job Gaz, really like everything about the photo
Thanks Tony
Excellent, very creative ;)
Thanks Jak
I wondered if it was a death thing... Hanging upside down... Reminded me in a (very probably) weird way of the Hanged Man in the tarot deck - what with the yellow heads and all...

I did wonder whether you had perhaps taken it the right way up then inverted it...

I think perhaps I read too much into things :)
:) I had to Google the Tarot card suggested. As I have never actually looked at the Tarrot cards before.

I must admit the description of the hanging man upright or reverse is a pretty interesting read.

Unfortunately I am not that clever to make the connection in my image taking.

I take my hat off to you, for doing so.

It has made me think and learn something today.

Thanks for taking the time to leave me some feedback.

Beautiful image. How did you light it?
Hi Tom.

Thanks for stopping by.

They are lite with a softbox from the left side as you look at the screen. The background was catching a bit of the light from the box.

When I liked what I was getting. I played around a bit and took some frames using my Ad200 fitted with a snoot. I had the 10 second timer on so I walked around the back of the flowers and fired the Ad200 down the background.
I also fired it a couple of time from the rear right causing that light down the right side/stem.
Something I had not done before but used it in the end. Rightly or wrongly.

Hope that makes some kind of sense. Feel free to ask some more as I might not have explained myself correctly.
Also feel free to give advice if you can see how to I could improve this type of photography going forwards.

That's really nice.
Thanks David

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I think you've done a good job with the lighting, although I would like to see the shadow areas on the flowers and stems, little darker, a bit more dynamic.
Beauty isn't always obvious, so being able to see something that maybe others would miss, is a good way of being a bit different.
I think you've done a good job with the lighting, although I would like to see the shadow areas on the flowers and stems, little darker, a bit more dynamic.
Beauty isn't always obvious, so being able to see something that maybe others would miss, is a good way of being a bit different.

Thanks for your feedback it really helps me learn this stuff

I understand what you mean regarding the contrast. It's a fine line to tread isn't it.

The flower heads caught the light just how I was hoping to capture it but the stems being less textured and somewhat lighter in colour caught a bit too much light. That said a little shading after the effect would do no harm.

I did try another set up with the stems actually hung from the top of the door but I didnt like all the cracked paint texture being in focus which it had to be to get the dof for the flower heads.

I also used a smaller light for the drama you mentioned but the shadow against the door was horrific.
Writing this now I should have tried the smaller light on this set up as the door is about 3ft back. That shadow would not have been there.

Shame I don't think of these things at the time of taking !

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I wondered if it was a death thing... Hanging upside down... Reminded me in a (very probably) weird way of the Hanged Man in the tarot deck - what with the yellow heads and all...
Straight out of "Vanitas Thinking 101"... i.e. everything is a "death thing" if you look hard enough...

personally, I just thought straight away "drying sunflowers, collecting the seeds as they dry and fall away" - basically, a big bowl under the flowers, just out of camerashot - collecting contributions to send to our "feed the @Server Hamster fund" (it's not getting the same promotion as "buy us a coffee" of course, but every little helps....
Straight out of "Vanitas Thinking 101"... i.e. everything is a "death thing" if you look hard enough...

I see someone else saw what you did in the image :)

Just Googled Vanitas it's all very deep isn't it.

oh, it's a rabbit-hole I fell down a number of years ago and never really managed to get back out of...

(think my personal record for cramming in hidden meanings in a single shot was 8....) :D
Great image. I'm on my phone but will take a better look later on the Pc. With the help of Google I'll try and spot the 8 and there meanings. I might learn something.
Haha good job I haven't read that then.
Thanks for the alert ;)
Very nice Gary- you have a good eye :)


Ps now give the brickie his sack back :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
Very nice Gary- you have a good eye :)


Ps now give the brickie his sack back :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
Thanks Les

Some of the brickwork I've seen over the years could well benefit from being under cover

Not this fella's though
