Critique Hunting Zebra

Nice! Did you do much editing on the fangs?
Thanks Matt! You mean because it glows with the fires of Hell? :)

Post-processing consisted of merging in the front of the pedipalps and front legs from a separate frame to bring them into focus, slight vignette, touch of sharpening and WB. Didn't touch the fang at all, it must have just caught the light :)
Lovely starter for 10. :)

I have to wait 2 more weeks for them to appear up here. In '14 the first was on then 25th, in '13 it was the 23rd (both March)...

Thanks Paul. Where ae you based? Sounds like you keep a good record, I really must start a wildlife journal...
Preston, Lancashire.

I just searched my forums for when I posted them last year and the year before, lol..

LOL, fair enough :) Well you're at a similar latitude to me (Leeds) even if it does rain more your way :p I would expect there to be some around your area about now...
Such cool dude these jumpers are, great shot Tim.
Ahhh man the only one I have found and it was very active think I have gone out too late when they are already warmed up.

Got a cr@p shot but hay Ho will try again...

Excellent stack and shot perfect composition.
"Excellent" shot and PP work Timmy, great detail with spot on composition.(y)
