Hydro Dam Pitlochry

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Ok. I would really like some honest opinons!

Its all very well my mum saying thats lovely! She has to she had me! lol!

I entered it in a compettion at work and they want to use it.

I should mention its a Hydro dam and I work for Scottish Hydro Electric.

I think its ok but the sky its kind of pants! It was a really cloudless and quite dull day!

Be nice or I will cry! LOL!


It seems a little flat to me and the sky doesn't help that. Also the dam kind of leads me out of the photo rather than focus my attention on the photo.

These kind of structures are better from height IMO but unless there is a nearby mountain, you have access to a helicopter or you are 50 feet tall there is not much to do ;)
There's nothing you can do with that sky I'm afraid.
Possibly reshoot the image on a better day?

Failing that, I'd crop most of the sky off, maybe convert the image to sepia or cyanotype.
Thanks! lol!

Is there anything anyone like about the pic or will i just give up now! lol!
Had a wee play with it, hope you dont mind :)

Converted to sepia, cropped sky, contrast boost and tonal contrast to bring out detail.
Just a quick job but you can get my idea.


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Please feel free to replace this with a fresh/resized image and remove this text :)
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I like the composition of the first one, it sits well with the rule of things and has a nice lead in to the image - It would be worth doing that again on a better day or dropping in another sky from a different shot...

I quite like th sepia edit apart from the glow behind the hills
I like the composition of the first one, it sits well with the rule of things and has a nice lead in to the image - It would be worth doing that again on a better day or dropping in another sky from a different shot...

I quite like th sepia edit apart from the glow behind the hills

That's easily corrected though ;)
I think i might have been focusing on composition to much!?

Thanks for you advice ***, i dont like sepia normally but its nice! Thanks!

Its nice to get proper comments on my pics if you dont have that like I havent other than my mum then its kind of hard to know what your doing right and wrong!
I think i might have been focusing on composition to much!?

Thanks for you advice ***, i dont like sepia normally but its nice! Thanks!

Its nice to get proper comments on my pics if you dont have that like I havent other than my mum then its kind of hard to know what your doing right and wrong!

Well its how I learn too.
Post pics, put your crash helmet on and grow a thick skin ;)

Keep shooting and posting (y)
Does not do much for me. You are right about the sky, also lacking in foreground interest.

River does provide some lead in although it lacks detail due to exposure.

You often need to try and try again with landscape shots. Go back when there is more drama in the sky. use a grd filter to manage the exposure balance.
Original photo looks a bit bland - lack of colour in the sky maybe? - quite like what Canon Toggers done to it - kind of works - though a better sky would work better (in my novice opinion)

The subject of the photo works well......

I bet you took it from the bouncy footbridge........ we were up there last May - the day the whole of Scotland decided to wear Lycra and have a bikerace starting and finishing in Pitlochry!!!!! (something we were unaware of until rolling into Pitlochry!!)
I dont want to talk about the wobbly bridge! It has scared me all my life! My little sister thought it was hillarious to jump up and down on it too! lol

Get yourself some ND grad filters. You will be AMAZED at the difference they make. You should be able to hold the Sky back and capture nice detail in it.

Keep posting more photos, looking forward to seeing your progress. I love photos of Scotland, and I find it amazing to watch how people time, and time again, come to this forum, and grow as a photographer.

I love jumping on that bridge! Me missus won't even step on it unless I promise to behave.

I had the same issues with skies until I was pointed in the direction of ND grad filters and polarizing filter. This forum has really helped me improve my (still) sparse skill no end. I took a couple of sky shots yesterday, "just because" but haven't had time to get them off the camera yet.
Filters don't need to be awfully expensive, especially if you trawl the used market like I tend to do.
thanks! thats really helpful!

I posted this one yesterday but didnt get many comments!? What do you think?

This is in Perth, Scone.
