I am NOT Scottish, Welsh or American (no offence to these nations)

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I have been living in England (London/ Newcastle upon Tyne and West Berkshire) for 2 years now and I am continually asked " Which part of Scotland are you from?". I also get asked about Wales and America as mention in title but not as much.

Southern English People have more trouble working out that I am not Scottish than the Northerners do.

I sound nothing like a Glaswegian, or someone from the Highlands and I definitely don't sound like Frankie Boyle :LOL:

I am originally from Northern Ireland/ Ireland :beer: (depending on your politics, Which I don't do)....... Maybe I should make a T Shirt saying " I AM NOT SCOTTISH!"
Thank Christ I don't have a non accent. Never been confused for anything I'm not. Trust!!
Ah hae bin livin' in englain (london/ newcastle upon tyne an' west berkshire) fur tae years noo an' Ah am continually speart " which part ay scootlund ur ye frae?". Ah also gie speart abit Weels an' america as mention in title but nae as much. soothern sassenach fowk hae mair trooble workin' it 'at Ah am nae scottish than th' northerners dae. i soond naethin' loch a glaswegian, ur someain frae th' highlands an' Ah definitely dornt soond loch frankie boyle :LOL: i am originally frae northern ireland/ irelain :beer: (dependin' oan yer politics, which Ah dornt do)....... mebbe Ah shoods make a t sark sayin' " Ah am nae scottish!"
^makes perfect sense to me, so it does!!:LOL:

The other thing that gets my goat is when someone tries to take off your accent and fails. :mad:

I used to work in London and the amount of time I used to get a crappy southern attempt with some derogatory comments such as " 'ave thi got a whippet and flat cap then? By 'eck"" was unreal. :rolleyes:
Or some northern plonker trying to do a southern accent. when I lived in the north east i got that all the time idiots trying to do a cockney accent and i have nothing like a cockney accent.
Ah hae bin livin' in englain (london/ newcastle upon tyne an' west berkshire) fur tae years noo an' Ah am continually speart " which part ay scootlund ur ye frae?". Ah also gie speart abit Weels an' america as mention in title but nae as much. soothern sassenach fowk hae mair trooble workin' it 'at Ah am nae scottish than th' northerners dae. i soond naethin' loch a glaswegian, ur someain frae th' highlands an' Ah definitely dornt soond loch frankie boyle :LOL: i am originally frae northern ireland/ irelain :beer: (dependin' oan yer politics, which Ah dornt do)....... mebbe Ah shoods make a t sark sayin' " Ah am nae scottish!"

So, yer actually Bangladeshi then:)
Or some northern plonker trying to do a southern accent. when I lived in the north east i got that all the time idiots trying to do a cockney accent and i have nothing like a cockney accent.

Did you not go to the same school as the other Royals...... One must keep up standards
I'm Essex born and bred and consider myself not to have an accent at all. (TOWIE's don't come from Essex, they are east London overspill, no one from Essex talks like that) My mate is also Essex born and bred but he comes from rural Essex and has a bit of a country accent, I call him an Ooh Aar and he calls me a Townie. When another of my mates also an Essex townie with no accent was working in Liverpool, everyone reckoned he had a cockney accent, yet we don't talk anything like cockney's.
What I find curious is people who talk with an accent to certain other people. I have a West Indian mate who when he talks to me, as far as I'm concerned, speaks with no accent at all although may come out with a few words you would expect to hear from a West Indian. Yet when he talks to someone from his own country, or Africa even India, his West Indian aut thick and strong.
Born in Edinburgh, moved to London at 8, Durham at 15, Sunderland at 16, Edinburgh at 17, Northern Ireland at 18, Edinburgh at 19 and often get asked if I'm Canadian, American or Australian :shrug:

Everyone has an accent, though. The only way you couldn't have an accent is if you didn't have a voice. Maybe not the accent you "should" have from where you're from but an accent all the same.
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i think what your NOT getting is the southern sense of humour ,the people that ask you are most likely fully aware of where your from but they are just winding you up ,and you have bitten the bait like a great white shark .when working on the taxis if i happened to get an obviously american or canadian fare in the car ,the first ice breaker question would be "what part of australia are you from " its part of the way of life doon sarf ,learn to live with it :):):)
But....isn't Newcastle in Scotland?...the Northern isle as you call it...don't get it at all, just be Scottish and proud, denial is a bad thing :)
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Ah hae bin livin' in englain (london/ newcastle upon tyne an' west berkshire) fur tae years noo an' Ah am continually speart " which part ay scootlund ur ye frae?". Ah also gie speart abit Weels an' america as mention in title but nae as much. soothern sassenach fowk hae mair trooble workin' it 'at Ah am nae scottish than th' northerners dae. i soond naethin' loch a glaswegian, ur someain frae th' highlands an' Ah definitely dornt soond loch frankie boyle :LOL: i am originally frae northern ireland/ irelain :beer: (dependin' oan yer politics, which Ah dornt do)....... mebbe Ah shoods make a t sark sayin' " Ah am nae scottish!"

You will be glad to hear that I know that you're definitely not Scottish. Lol. that reads more like a script read through from the 'Dick Van Dyke School for regional accents' (Mary Poppins anyone?). Lol I'm Scots and struggled to understand some of what you wrote, good attempt though and some excellent regional words in there. "speart" for instance is, as far I know, used in only a handful of east coast villages and farming communities. Good job.
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i think what your NOT getting is the southern sense of humour ,the people that ask you are most likely fully aware of where your from but they are just winding you up ,and you have bitten the bait like a great white shark .when working on the taxis if i happened to get an obviously american or canadian fare in the car ,the first ice breaker question would be "what part of australia are you from " its part of the way of life doon sarf ,learn to live with it :):):)

Definitely not a point of jest taking.....I am the king that. :) ..... always followed by a sincere apology when I highlight that i am from across the sea..... for example the groundsman who mentioned it last night was really upset that he may have caused offenceand couldn't stop apologising all night.....
Stupid censorship on this app btw. Tough luck if your name is Another form of Richard. From this day forth you shall be known as SchwingSchwong.
Must be an app thing. Dick is indeed a common contraction of Richard but it's also a euphemism for you and me (male members...) so gets caught by the sweary filter sometimes.
Stupid censorship on this app btw. Tough luck if your name is Another form of Richard. From this day forth you shall be known as SchwingSchwong.
You mean like being called Dick?
Could be worse. There are a few people at work that think I'm a scouser !
I've never been asked in jest. People are genuinely shocked when I say "god, no! I'm Scottish." Doesn't really bother me, I find it amusing.
I've been asked if I come from Glasgow (because nothing exists above the Glasgow/Edinburgh divide:rolleyes:) but never anything outside Scotland.
I've been asked if I come from Glasgow (because nothing exists above the Glasgow/Edinburgh divide:rolleyes:) but never anything outside Scotland.
I`m surprised you have not been asked if you are actually a member of the human race.
I`m surprised you have not been asked if you are actually a member of the human race.

I have!

We have a saying up here "Are you a real mannie?".

Now wise up yeh chocolate!!!
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Or some northern plonker trying to do a southern accent. when I lived in the north east i got that all the time idiots trying to do a cockney accent and i have nothing like a cockney accent.

Yeah that's the same with southerners trying to do North East (Geordie) accents - I have relations down south and they do it everytime we meet

But....isn't Newcastle in Scotland?...the Northern isle as you call it...don't get it at all, just be Scottish and proud, denial is a bad thing :)

Hey I have no problem being part of Scotland, love Scotland and my ancestors were border revers (dodgy folks) and we are not a kick of the ass off Scotland. Plus will be heading up to see family in a few days
a few weeks ago i was part of a squad working down in chelmsford..we ate in the same pub every night ....on the last night the waitress asked where we were from and i replied "up north" to which she replied "sheffield??" .."further" i replied.... "manchester??"she then asked . After stifling the laughter we explained we were from Scotland ( every one of us with a broad scottish accent) it just goes to show that "some" londoners still think anything above watford is just wasteland
a few weeks ago i was part of a squad working down in chelmsford..we ate in the same pub every night ....on the last night the waitress asked where we were from and i replied "up north" to which she replied "sheffield??" .."further" i replied.... "manchester??"she then asked . After stifling the laughter we explained we were from Scotland ( every one of us with a broad scottish accent) it just goes to show that "some" londoners still think anything above watford is just wasteland
And you had the cheek to stifle laughter. You're 40 miles adrift. Obviously Scots think anything south of Watford is London.:eek:
Scots think anything south of Watford is London.

A few years ago, I bought a guitar in a shop in Manchester. When I wrote down my address, the salesman said "I'm coming down your way next week". I assumed he meant he was coming to the Isle of Wight, perhaps for Cowes Week which was that week.

When questioned, he said "No, Chichester". I thought it was funny that he thought of everywhere probably south of London to be 'down south' but then realised that I do exactly the same thing - everything north of Portsmouth is 'up north' as far as I'm concerned!

And you had the cheek to stifle laughter. You're 40 miles adrift. Obviously Scots think anything south of Watford is London.:eek:

the diffrence being is 90% of londoners are that full of their own self importance that anything north of watford gap doesnt exist and myself like 90% of fellow scots couldnt give a flying **** where london begins and ends :)

merry christmas :)
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Oh yes!!^^^^:D:D:D:D
the diffrence being is 90% of londoners are that full of their own self importance that anything north of watford gap doesnt exist and myself like 90% of fellow scots couldnt give a flying **** where london begins and ends :)

merry christmas :)
90% of people living in London, probably aren't even English. I daresay because you have no inclination of where London begins or ends, you wouldn't recognise a true Londoner even if you met one.
i met one once ..he was ignorant ,unhelpful and looked depressed ....poor sod :)

tis the season to be jolly :)
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I have just spent Christmas in London with my daughter......she lives in a nice part of Harrow and three people there were very pleasant and not once was I asked anything about being Scottish, in fact on a number of occasions I was pleasantly surprised by people asking me which part of Ireland....