I blame eBay...


Edit My Images
and this branch of the TP forum :LOL:

After spending a while lurking in the Film and Conventional area, I started to get a gentle hankering for the old-school ways. Now, I've still got a old manual focus Yashica 108 which I dragged out of the loft and i'm half way through my first 35mm film for 15 years or so.

Now, heres where eBay came in. I was browsing around, looking at prices of old AE-1's etc, when I discovered that EOS-5's were selling for less than the price of a night in the pub. To cut a long story short, I bought one - complete with faulty onboard flash, and a speedlite 300EZ to cover that shortcoming. It arrived this morning, and within 5 minutes i'd fixed the onboard flash - the old stuck microswitch problem.

Flash now pops-up and works! Nifty-Fifty didn't come with the EOS. Amazingly solid camera, surprisingly few signs of use - didn't even look as if it'd seen a Tripod!

After half an hour of faffing, to get the hang of it, I've loaded a roll of XP2 (yes I know... i wanted to shoot BnW but didn't want to have to send films away - digital makes you impatient, doesn't it!) and taken a dozen or so shots before it began to rain and I came home to trawl for BnW developing kit (haven't space for printing, but may well do my own dev. - i'm sure it'll all come back to me).

What's the betting within a couple of month's i'm borrowing my mates Bronica SQ (it's a crying shame - he's got it boxed up and hasn't used it since he gave up the wedding 'togger game - though I suppose doing as many weddings as he did could well kill the drive for taking pictures:D)

So - I suppose this is advance warning of a string of dumb questions in the following months!
Oh yeah, you'd think peeps would learn just by reading stuff in this sub forum not to get involved....:LOL:
Yin, welcome to the officially stuffed club, there's a free OSC embroidered hanky in the post, use it sparingly it only mops up 5 buckets of tears..:)
Congrats! - I had an EOS 5 for a few years - a very versatile and useable camera - I found the VG10 grip a useful addition. I never managed to get the hang of the eye controlled focus selection mind you......
Well done Big Yin.

I keep eyeing the Minolta Dynax 7, looks like a fab film camera, as well as one of those Bessa rangefinders. :D
I blame the For Sale section of TP for the hammering my bank balance got in the last couple of months!
Why do I even look in this section. Last year sold/gave away my 35mm stuff to go digital.
Saw a Canon eos 600 on the bay and just had to buy it, lovely camera and hardly used and of course it will take my new L lenses.
35mm seems harder to give up than the ciggies.:bang:
Well - after a frantic couple of weeks since I bought the camera, I've finally managed to run a roll of film through it. The bulk of the shots were test stuff, more to see that metering was okay (comparison shots with the more modern dijical version ;) ) which I'm happy to report were good.

I was using a roll of film donated (okay - thrown at me) by a friend - his exact words being "Get a ****** roll of film through that camera right NOW - use this!" Didn't pay a lot of attention to it, just loaded it. Turns out he'd thrown me a roll of Fuji Neopan 400CN - he later told me he knew I wanted to try black and white again, and this would mean I could take it into a 1 hour process.

Anyway - finally made some time to get a couple of real shots. Noodled two of them badly, but at least got one half-reasonable image (by my limited standards anyway)

Here's one of the ones that came out okay - scanned from the boots 1 hour minilab print - no PP other than a couple of fibres on the scan spotted out.

I'm happy with the camera and it's workings now, so I guess next step will be trying some other film - might try some tranny next, though getting that into the computer may be more troublesome.:LOL:
Check out ASDA, they do (at the Preston one anyway) a 1 hour service on develop and scan to CD for £2.40

Scans are ok and you get a contact sheet. If there is one i really like i'll scan it myself.
Local Asda photo processing section consists of 2 Card in the slot and spit out the Digital prints machines.

There's a bigger Asda a few miles further away which I may investigate for next ones. What res. do the do the scans at ? just screenshot (say 1024x768) or something a bit more useful ?
It's about (1742 x 1166)

Well, that's what flikr is telling me, here are some scans from ASDA:



Ah - so pretty much okay for 6"x4" reprints then - that's fair enough!

Noticed that the photo's were tagged as 400CN - was this the Fuji or Kodak one? I''ve tried the Fuji and it seems to have done normal looking BnW negs, but vagueley remember that the Kodak still has the orange caste like "normal" colour film.
I've used kodak and fuji, should be a fuji tag on them. I like both films really but the kodak one is cheaper from 7day.

I've just got 6 rolls cos of the price, also got some portra 160vc. Tis a sharp film!
To be honest, i'm most likely to wind up using normal BnW and processing it myself - I just need to convince myself that I understand how the camera works and that I can nail the exposure in the camera. Once I've got that knocked I can introduce the next set of variables :D
Had a while this morning to try scanning from the negatives -:thinking:I reckon it's a definite improvement...

From Enprint...

From Negative...

;) Yes - I know they're different images, but they were taken under same conditions, within 30 seconds of each other, and with same manual settings on the camera. I just didn't want to spend time working on an image i'd already got if the end result was going to be the same or worse :LOL:
GAZ81 change ** text colour its dammed annoying on the black TP skin

asda developing you say might have to give that a go for any colour stuff I do, can only do my own BnW atm