I call it 'Fice' !

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:D I call it 'Fice' ! :D

(Image is clickable to larger version)
Sorry mmcp42, link should work now (y)

Spill the beans, how you do it?

This actually involved a bit of work ! I built the 'wall' of ice up gradually adding 1 or 2 blocks at a time and then allowing it to freeze together before adding the next. The fire was produced by soaking cotton wool in lighter fluid and then arranging it in between and behind the blocks. A thick black background and a piece of glass to stand the whole thing on gave the reflection.
(y) works now
and looks good! (y)
Well done macker :clap: Thats different (y)

If you had'nt told us how you done it, I would have guessed you used layers from different shots.
Clever, and very impressive.
works now
Yep, sorry mate, stupid Flickr permissions settings :bonk:

If you hadn't told us how you done it, I would have guessed you used layers from different shots

Well, it may have been easier but my aim was to genuinely capture the scene in a single shot. I like to do this type of thing every now and then, gets the old brain working a bit ! :LOL:

Thanks again for all the nice comments (y)
(Sorry, double post, can someone please remove)
Superb stuff!!! (y) Love it. May have to try something similar ;)
did you try a faster shutter speed to "freeze" the flames - they look quite soft here (excuse the pun btw)
Very cool :D idea
Hot image (y)
did you try a faster shutter speed to "freeze" the flames

Tried loads (managed to get about 20 shots) from around 1/20sec to 3secs or so, but I just liked the colour in the ice in this particular one. A couple had more interesting flames which I know I could have PP'd into the shot, but I really wanted the 'shot in one' and as such, it became a bit of a challenge ! :LOL:

My favourite one of them all I discarded as I 'clipped' the reflection of the flame :bonk::bonk:

Once again, thanks to you all for the kind words :ty: