I Don't Do Enough Of This.


Bo Derek
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It's funny, how sitting there makes you think of outings past. I was watching Thomas Heaton's latest video this morning about a tree and I remembered photographing a tree at Kilchurn Castle about 18 months or so ago. It was my first outing with my then b/new 5Div and since then I've only done 1 or 2 landscape outings, one to photograph Arran, the other was a grab shot really whilst out on a walk with my daughter but it's one that actually worked quite well. The day I took this, I was involved in a bit of an altercation with a motorbike which resulted in my car being written off and I've not been up that way since. Maybe in the next few weeks, I will but I almost refuse to travel if there's no chance of reflections but that's holding me back as there are other conditons for photography and I should embrace them.

Anyway, for now, a quick conversion of Kilchurn Castle to mono, I wanted to give it a bit of drama rather that being subtle. Comments welcome.


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That is an absolute cracker I wish I'd taken it. Beautifully balanced and well suited to the black and white conversion. The more I look at it the more I enjoy it.

Thank you Andy.
"Excellent" shot, and nicely presented in mono.

Superb composition and a great range of tones.
Simply top drawer.
I wish it was in my portfolio.