I had aterrible health scare

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Last thursday I woke up with extreme pain in my chest around 5am. Me being me just thought a couple of indegestion tablet would get rid of it, but no even got worse.Next was a hot bath and that didn't get rid of it, by this time i was doubled up on the floor so my wife insisted I went to the hospital.

On arriving there at A&E the receptionist saw that I was as grey as a ghost and as soon as I mentioned chest pains I was whisked into the examination room and had a monitor on me -then blood samples - then xray-then ECG then more blood samples. Not only did I look like a puppet on a string but also a dartboard.
9 hours later they only discovered I had a low oxyogen in the blood and a slightly lower blood pressure, so let me go home.

. Apart from that nothing ,all they could put it down to was a very sever muscular spasm. I have to take pills and if needed a spray to keep the airways clear and got a Drs appointment for tomorrow Monday

Have to say I have never been so scared in my life thinking heart attack at the best. Everyone in A&E I have to say were fantastic and really cared.

So now i do get sleeping bouts but they could be down to the pills which can have that effect.
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I hope the Doctors appointment goes well for you tomorrow.
Blimey, take it easy chap and hope it's one of those stupid things that always seem worse than they are.
Mind you, your missus will them call you a drama queen... :D
Its certainly very scarey when something like this happens to us, its certainly a wake up call that is for sure as I well know
having survived two Pulmonary Embolisms in the last four years.

Now every time I get a slight chest pain, which is normally wind, the fretting starts, like yourself had lots of tests done, use to get panics attacks after the second Embolism at any pains or getting short of breath, I have being told by the hospital if i fall, bang my head or any worries not to ring the doc, but to ring for an ambulance straight away. I also sleep a lot more, can nod off at anytime.

Good luck at the Docs mate, hope all stays good for you.
Blimey Bazza...hopefully you'll get a definitive diagnosis sometime soon.
Good luck at the Drs, and try to do as you're told! :)
Thanks all. One thing I learnt is how important your health is when you don't think you are going to last the day, it really brings it into focus. At the moment things have gone back to normal but will have to wait and see for tomorrow
I feel your fear mate......I had a stroke 6 years ago and that scared the f*** out of me then but I have had one or two other scares since and ended up in A&E.....it really gives you good for thought.......I hope all goes well for you with the docs etc....
Having had two heart attacks, the thing that really kicked me in the balls was the reaction of my first three visitors after the first MI. My mother, wife and daughter all came in at the same time and were in bits seeing me lying there like a Steven Hawking bondage session. Their reaction really hit home to me the important things in life.
Having had two heart attacks, the thing that really kicked me in the balls was the reaction of my first three visitors after the first MI. My mother, wife and daughter all came in at the same time and were in bits seeing me lying there like a Steven Hawking bondage session. Their reaction really hit home to me the important things in life.

Too true mate.....my wife still breaks down in tears when she thinks back to the whole episode.....I think this is why my outlook on life is so different than most....I think:confused:
Too true mate.....my wife still breaks down in tears when she thinks back to the whole episode.....I think this is why my outlook on life is so different than most....I think:confused:
Yeh, life too short to p*** about. You need to go through it with no regrets, tell it like it is, do what you think is right and soldier on through.
As @BRASH points out Bazza.As you may or may not know I had my first heart attack in 2012 whilst out fishing on my own one morning.I got took in again last Monday evening with a slight pain in the middle of my chest.The wife did not want to take any chance and called 999,given the first attack they took me in out of precaution.After the usual checks and hooking me up on the treadmill for a workout they decided to do an angiogram.The surgeon came up to me just as I was going in and said that from what I had explained and the tests on the treadmill he was sure it was nothing to worry about,but would have a good poke around anyhow.Well about ten minutes in and he said he had found a narrowing to an arterie on the other side to where my other stent had been fitted,so put another one in.What amused me was the fact he had Sam Smith singing stay with me whilst he was poking around,I said thats bloody reassuring aint it? He said Rich you only want to start worrying when I start singing it to you.But yeh just like yourself, first class treatment from all concerned in the hospital.Looking back I had been suffering with bad sleep patterns,bouts of feeling really exhausted again, which was similar to what was happening before my first attack.I had gone to the Doc about this about a month ago and he took me off the Simvastatins and changed them out for some other ones.I need to pay a bit more attention to my diet,but in saying that I rarely eat crap since my first attack. After listening to the usual from the cardiac rehab nurse before leaving I returned home,and have spent quite a bit of time looking up about the good and the bad cholestral and how it all works etc and healthy diets,I thought I had a plan of action. And then I came across THIS tonight :eek: Quite an interesting read and is something I shall be following up on a bit more I think.Hope you get yourself sorted though Bazza,and the worst thing you can do is worry about it too much.
Too true mate.....my wife still breaks down in tears when she thinks back to the whole episode.....I think this is why my outlook on life is so different than most....I think:confused:

well your the frigging lucky one :D My missus says there is f*** all wrong with me they fixed you :(
Hope all is well I been in the wars myself best advice I can give is take care listen to what you are told and then DO IT! It may mean having to slow down and take things easier but believe me it is for the best. Good luck.
Seems like we need to get the forum changed to Talk Patients :D
Brash is spot on about seeing things differently after health problems,I've had 2 lots of chemo which nackers the heart muscles,life's too short to worry about trivial things...
I can't fault my treatment on the NHS by the way..
Hope it goes well at the docs..
Brash is spot on about seeing things differently after health problems,I've had 2 lots of chemo which nackers the heart muscles,life's too short to worry about trivial things...
I can't fault my treatment on the NHS by the way..
Hope it goes well at the docs..

Well to be honest I never gave a toss about much before mine,even less now :D
I was just going to eat another biscuit as I read this thread.I have put the biscuit back in the barrel.I will have it to morrow.

My Grandmother did that sort of thing for a little while after a mini-stroke, then decided that while it might make her live a little longer (she was in her 80s already!), it would make the extra time feel like years so she kept on the biccies and enjoyed what time she had left.

These days, I don't do quite as many stupid things as I used to but do still enjoy a good meal, an occasional drink or 2 and life in general since any one of us could be dead by tea time. After a brain tumour a couple of years ago, I'm very aware of mortality so try to enjoy every day.

I'm another huge fan of the NHS in times of crisis - they mended me!!!
My wife had a Heart attack New Years Day 2013 she said she felt a little ill went up stairs to lie down all very non dramatic just that her arm felt very heavy and tingly, called the ambulance after about 1/2 hour they turned up 20 mins later they had travelled 30 miles from Halifax none available in Manchester on that day. Then it all kicked off with tests monitors tablets the two Para Meds looked worried they could only stabilise her so far and needed to get her to hospital PDQ, but being new years day they where finding it hard to locate a full team necessary for this, this was the most worrying time.

They took her to Wythenshawe team already when we arrived straight into surgery all went well, the surgeon said another 15mins and he couldn't have saved her, she's all well now but very scary all the same, it affected our youngest who was 7 at the time and witnessed everything he wouldn't leave his mums side and because it happened on NYD we had a count down all 2013 to 2014 as the first year is the most problematic.

It was hereditary Heart Disease never smoked/drank only a few glasses of wine at weekends always ate very healthily she just didn't know it was there. Heart attacks are not always chest clutches most of them are very subtle and you slip way unnoticed.

Glad to see you are ok