I hate earwigs!!!

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Of all the insects in my garden, the one I probably hate the most, is the earwig.

A friend took a photo of one on Sunday and as it happened, I then found so I had to get the camera out. Despite them being horrid creatures, they do make excellent photographic subjects...




The penultimate one below is uncropped, using 2 tubes on the Venus 60mm, the last one has only a slight rotational crop just to get the composition better placing the antenna into the very corner for the lead-in line.



lt's those pincers on therear that give me the creeps :eek:
Lovely detail, nicely caught
Yet more fascinating shots from Paul. :clap:Its inspiring to view but frustrating when I look at my own efforts:)
Great set of images Paul, with very fine detail.(y)

Something to aspire to ,well done
Stunning shots for something you hate
Oh wow that last is super, that Venus is awesome on its own but with tubes on its got even more awesomness added to it.
The last shot is by far the best of the bunch Paul but its hard not to say anything negative about the other shots.
So well done on some again fab shots (y)
Oh wow that last is super, that Venus is awesome on its own but with tubes on its got even more awesomness added to it.
The last shot is by far the best of the bunch Paul but its hard not to say anything negative about the other shots.
So well done on some again fab shots (y)

Thank you Graham, much appreciated m8. :)

Excellent set, don't you just love the insect world (y)
I have a family or two in the garden. They like to live in the top of the bird feeder, where its warm I guess.

Must try to photo them, but they are pretty quick to run and hide.

I have a family or two in the garden. They like to live in the top of the bird feeder, where its warm I guess.

Must try to photo them, but they are pretty quick to run and hide.


The female mum looks after her babies until around the third moult and also guards her eggs - very maternal...

If you see a lot you might get the chance to see this in action.
