I like to have a camera "about be" . . .


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I'm begining to feel the need to scratch an itch . . . Said itch, a new camera, I have not used my Nikon D90 for a year or more, the Panasonic G1 has not been out for 6 months.

There in lies the issue, Nikon heavy and bulky, G1 getting out cassed. Been out today to see the grand children, picked up my Lumix DMC-TZ30 . . . says it all dont it.

So, I'm thinking, my photographic requirements have changed, getting old, weight and bulk is a problem, plus I am not as suptle as I used to be so a swivel screen helps. The G1 is great with its swivel screen, but as I say, it can get a bit out classed in the ISO stakes.

I thought, Nikon P7700, animated screen, the ISO is good (so they say) to 800 and acceptable to 3200? It has a decent zoom lens on it . . . answer to an old snapper prayer?

Then I read of its very slow image transfer, 4 to 7 seconds, when shooting in combined RAW-JPEG mode. I prefered to shoot this way, an issue with the TZ30, that it does not have RAW! Does any one have any experiance of the P7700 or make any sugestions. The animated screen and combined R/J modes are essential if I'm going to change, weight and size is also impotrant.

I had considered the G5 . . . but its got bigger since the days of the G1? I realy am a man who likes to have a camera about me, not dominating me?

I have issues with weight and size myself and wanted something smaller yet that still did the job properly, I went for the Fuji X-Pro1, but seeing your requirements would suggest having a look at the Fuji X100s, its compact, great autofocus, fantastic iQ, great at all ISO's including up to ISO 6400, and has a really sharp lens.. its worth looking at as you'll get images from it that will outdo your D90 in iQ.
The X100S is a cracking camera if you can live with the fixed lens. If you want a full system then the OM-D could fit well, it's pretty compact with the 20mm Panasonic or 45mm Olympus lenses (and others) and the screen can be moved which you mentioned as being a handy feature.
I feel your pain, if i get down on one knee now, i have to have someone with me to help me up again :)

What about the Canon GX1? Or if you want to stay with M43 the Olympus EPL5, that has a tilting screen and the same sensor as the OM-D EM5.
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How about you stick a couple of nice SMALL and SHARP primes on your D90? Something like 35/1.8, etc. That will make the whole thing TINY as far as I am concerned. And this will also stop you buying more obsolete / nonsense / crippled gear.
Not a fan of dSLRs anymore, myself. Too big and bulky and I miss so many good photos because I can't lug them around with me all the time. If the Fuji's are not for you, the Sony RX100 (or RX1 if you can afford it) might do the trick. No swivel screen admittedly, but very small and light which might make up for it.

EDIT - can I/we switch off these automatic links as they're pretty pointless if they link to a completely different camera to the one we're talking about.
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EDIT - can I/we switch off these automatic links as they're pretty pointless if they link to a completely different camera to the one we're talking about.

If you get a pop up or ad blocker for your browser they'll magically vanish ;)
How about you stick a couple of nice SMALL and SHARP primes on your D90? Something like 35/1.8, etc. That will make the whole thing TINY as far as I am concerned. And this will also stop you buying more obsolete / nonsense / crippled gear.

It's all relative and opinion of course but I wouldn't call a D90+prime tiny. Not when you're trying to shove one in even a coat pocket :LOL:

Agreed, my wife shoots a D90 with 35mm and I shoot an X100S, they are a world apart in terms of size and weight. That said, the X100S isn't compact in the same way as an RX100, it won't fit in a pocket of your jeans, trousers, etc unless the pockets are very roomy. I carry mine on a wrist strap or in a Domke F-5XB bag which keeps the weight pretty low but means I have a bag to stash any extra batteries, filters, etc as well as giving me some protection if the rain sets in.
Like you, I got tired of the DSLR weight and bulk and after a few changes of direction and lots of money lost buying and selling cameras and camera bags, I finally settled on my all time favourite 3. A Domke F803 ruggedwear bag, a Fuji X10 and a Fuji X100.
These do for 90% of all my photographic needs. For the other 10% where I want a really wide angle lens or a big fast long zoom, I wait till the feeling of lust goes, then carry on taking photos with my Fuji's.
I tend not to pixel peep anymore, you can get too obsessive. All my images look great now.
I sold the X100 recently but will be replacing it with an X100s. I couldnt go back to a DSLR now.

My GF1 with 20mm would just about fit in my coat pocket but it was a little heavy. I doubt I'd try to pocket anything even just a teeny weeny bit bigger.
It's all relative and opinion of course but I wouldn't call a D90+prime tiny. Not when you're trying to shove one in even a coat pocket :LOL:


Neither will reasonably fit in an average coat pocket, but will all happily go into a modest bag (need not be camera bag either)

If you compare them with a 1Ds + 580EX + 24-70mm and 190XPROB dangling down this is quite tiny :D
Neither will reasonably fit in an average coat pocket, but will all happily go into a modest bag (need not be camera bag either)

I'm not so sure about that. My GF1+20mm used to fit in the pockets of the two rain/winter jackets I wear most so I'm pretty sure an X100 would or any similar sized camera. In fact I used to often take the GF1+20mm in one pocket and LX in another. I'm no giant either, my jacets are size Medium. The G1 is a bit more bulky with it's EVF/flash hump and grip and isn't as comfortable so I don't bother trying to pocket it, it goes in a bag.
DSLR with a pancake lens certainly is still massive.

Sony RX100 or Fuji x20 would get my vote. As good as fixed focal lengths are, having the zoom would still be preferred.
If you have G1, I presume you also have soem micro 4/3 lenses. If I were you, I'd try some newer m43 camera- e-pl, e-pm, GF. G and GH would still be bulky and Oly EP range- less so but still not as portable as the aforementioned ranges.

GF5+14mm f2.5 is seriously compact and has AF that is much-much faster than your G1- just an example.
Neither will reasonably fit in an average coat pocket, but will all happily go into a modest bag (need not be camera bag either)

Exactly. I just use a small messenger bag and throw my DSLR with 35 lens in there. No special camera bag required and in fact the same bag I used when I had an X100 which wouldn't fit in any of my pockets.

Granted, I don't put any great value on it as the camera and lens cost me under £200 which may be what makes it easier to just chuck it anywhere it fits...
I've just bought the Sony RX100 as my "take anywhere" option and I'm very impressed, great IQ and very good at higher iso too..it's by far the best compact I've owned and the only one that's gotten close to the IQ of a DSLR

Here's a photo from a trip to Cambridge from a couple of weeks ago

The G5 is slightly smaller than the G1...

Mmm . . . I was going by a quick look around the local Jessops at Christmas, it felt more bulky,certainly did not come to hand as nicely as the G1 . . . obviously an illusion?

I will not give up the animated screen, lack of mobility dictates its requirement, as has been pointed out, you get down, getting up is a very undignified performance :shrug:

Plus I like the waist high perspective that I can get easily with the swivel screen without resorting to 'old man' arobics!!! If I were too accept a standard type fixed screen, I'd probably stay with the simple Panie TZ30 glorified P&S that I have and live with just JPEG format, resign myself to just 'ordinary', which I am anyway . . . see just how good a pic one can get with a basic camera? Thats a challenge aint it? They say its not the camera but the eye behind it that makes the picture . . . ?

This is a pic I took the otherday of my Hifi valve amplifier using the TZ30, no special lighting, just a standard lamp with a folded strip bulb in it and natural light fron the window:


It was to demonstrate something on another site, but I thought it did not look so bad?

If only Nikon would do the business on the transfer speed on the P7700 :bang: . . . dint they listen?

Thanks for your replies.