i need a small dog please

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I've only been bitten by two customers dogs, but i class it as they both bit me twice- let me explain.... Lol

The first pretty little doggy bit my leg ripping my trousers. I bent down to pull it off and it decided to have a nibble on my cheek aswell. ( this all happened in the space of 10 seconds) When my work mate tells the story he likes to mention it only having 3 legs aswell.
That shook me up a bit but i just put it down to bad luck.
The other time we'd just pulled into a drive to look at a potential job. When i got out the van i noticed a puppy dog so thought id be polite and give it a pat. It returned the favour by biting me hard on the back of the knee. A couple minutes went by and i jokingly said to the customer inside his house that his dog had a good set of teeth.im not sure whether the dog heard me but soon after it got up ran straight for me and gave me another nibble. Unfortunately my workmate witnessed this again lol aswell as the customer. That shook me up pretty bad, for months after if i heard a dog bark id feel nervous.

Gramps, her previous dog was a terrier x beagle. She was always spoiling it rotten with new toys and....... Coats for the winter.

I won't be getting her one unless she makes the decision herself. I will only offer her my thoughts ( & tp's) if she decides she'd like one, id be more than happy to get her one and pay any doggy bills if they arise. Least i can do really seeing as she brought me up
good luck with your search, how about looking at an oldie for her? http://www.oldies.org.uk they do amazing things, and the dog will already be housetrained and grown up, and more than grateful for a loving and stable home in their later years

:shake: :(
I couldn't resist clicking on that link. So many beautiful dogs and it really upsets me to see them looking for homes.
Even if it's not the right thing for Coley's mum, it would be nice to think that somebody else might see that and find a home for one of them. Some of them are no age at all.
Before when i mentioned another dog to her it was always ' i don't want another, I'll never find another like kym ( previous dog)'

Chatting with her and her sister Saturday she seemed alot more open to the idea. Think it helped hearing her sister talk about how her cat keeps her company. I like to plan ahead. If i speak to her again and she still seems keen atleast i can show her some breeds that fit her criteria. Can't imagine it being very nice growing up old and alone. I ring/see her fairly often but theres still alot of hours where i guess she doesn't need to do much. She always use to enjoy being out and about with the dog. Kymy did this etc etc etc- sometimes i use to think her old dog got more attention then me lol
Which leads to the question from your aunt, would she like a cat?

They're generally less demanding and more independent than dogs but can be just as fixated on their people and just as rewarding.
I suggested that cause she use to have two when she lived in the country. She seemed to think it would fight with the neighbours now and probably get run over ( she lives near a busy road) i must say i do agree with her about that
Get a complete Mut. Not inbred so not loopy, much more healthy and much brighter.
Word of warning, some rescues won't rehome to older people, forobvious reasons, sad but true.
You can have indoor cats, ones that live in the house permanantly and never go out
I would rule out King Charles and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. They have long coats and need daily grooming. We have Cavaliers and they are a wonderful breed, but have major health problems.
A lot will depend on how much exercise your mother is able to give the dog. Even small breeds need daily exercise.
Westies, Cairn, Norfolk and Norwich Terriers are all possibles.
What on earth is a Cavachon? Designer breed I suppose - Cavlier x Bichon?
Daysleeper40 said:
What on earth is a Cavachon? Designer breed I suppose - Cavlier x Bichon?

When i first read the suggestion i thought it was something to do with an upset stomach
Had a brief chat with her today and she's pretty much made her mind up she'd like another - after her cataracts have been removed.
She did mention a dog she's seen, fairly vague description. Brown and white and smaller than a beagle x terrier. I tried googling to try and find what she could have seen. My new concern is she might have saw a novelty/miniature/toy dog. Alot of what i've read about these types mention various health problems.
Coley, yes please beware of all the health problems... here's a link to the kennel club website which does contain useful information http://www.the-kennel-club.org.uk/services/public/glossary/health-tests.aspx
it's a bit confusing at first, but have a look at the 'breed information' section along with it and it will make a little more sense.

That's not to say that a crossbreed or mongrel won't be subject to any of these problems! If you are going for a breed or a crossbreed (such as cavachon or cavapoo) a responsible breeder will have had health tests done on their breeding stock and will be able to show you certificates / results / X-rays. Don't be scared about asking to see them!

And I thought you'd be interested to hear that my mum is in a similar situation... she lost her cavalier Emmy about 5 years ago, and keeps saying 'I don't want another dog, nothing will be like Emmy', but guess who comes round with her pockets stuffed with treats, and literally snatches the puppy up and won't let her go??? ;)

I hope you & your mum find a lovely dog - here's my mum with the little monster (who can do no wrong in her eyes!!! :LOL:)

Thanks for the info and link. I'll have a thorough butchers later on. Your story along with that picture really made me smile !!!! She looks so happy with the pup.
Thanks again, very much appreciated

We've got a "mini" Jack Russell and with all JRT's they have their crazy moments, but she is a loving,loyal little thing who loves to play but also loves long lazy sleeps on my lap. Being a mini, she also has shorter legs which means she gets tired out quicker on a walk than a full size JRT. Give her a ball though and she can go for hours, which means your mum will be able to keep her occupied while in the house from her arm chair.

Did I mention they are also cute little things?
Just thought i'd update this. We went to the rescue centre and were told to keep checking the website to see if a suitable dog came up. I looked and looked and nothing even remotely suitable was coming up so in the end she saw one in the local newspaper. This is Olly-

He gives the look of 'butter wouldnt melt' :dummy: but deep down i know the other side of him :naughty: He's certainly keeping my mum on her toes :LOL: I've sorted out the injections and Monday he'll be able to go for walks outside, which will be an experience judging by the way he bites the lead at the moment :help: Cant believe how much different my mums been in the weeks she had him. I'll ring her up and instead of sounding miserable she'll be telling me how he's been out doing gardening etc etc. Even when i wind her up and say how clever he is being able to do all these things, she just laughs it off- before she'd have probably hung up and told me i was ignorant :razz:

Seems to have worked out well so far ;)
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Oh for crying out loud, you got her a Jack!! :eek:

Even though he looks an absolute baba, you do know they've got no off switch!! :bang:

[At least, we've never found it on either of ours ;) ]
LOVE the look of "what have I done to deserve being behind bars" in the first shot! Hope your Mum has many years of joy with Olly.
Sometimes when I go round he's sat trying to be all sensible on her lap while she's watching the box. A quick shout of
'ello boy' is usually enough to set him off. Its quite amazing seeing the pup doing laps of her living room then hearing mother feel the need to justify his behaviour to me lol.
Cheers nod ;@) much appreciated