I need some inspiration! helpp!

Debbie Ward
Edit My Images
i'm currently struggling to come up with a project in which holds a strong concept along with strong photographs.
I'm interested in photographic manipulation and how easy the truth can be hidden, so would love to give myself a challenge and think of a strong concept in which i can show through my photographs.
However i cannot really think of a project i can undertake in which shows photographic manipulation or hidden truths.

Any ideas?
Whether it is studio work with models to buildings and on-location/street photography.
All ideas would be great help!
However i cannot really think of a project i can undertake in which shows photographic manipulation or hidden truths

Hi Debbie!

A project that has hidden truths? I like this!

First, a comment - good photog maniplulation (in-camera or in pp) cannot be seen. So you'd perhaps have to think of showing 2 images -the 'untruth' and 'truth' - side-by-side.

As for 'hidden truths' just look in any estate agents window! lol!

I've looked at your link and your 'thing' is obviously people/bands - do you want your project to cover this area or something else?

I'll give this some thought and write again soon.
Hi Debbie.

Sorry I didn't have time to write much yesterday.

I've been thinking about your project and have many ideas for 'hidden truths' done in-camera with selective vp and framing but you particularly want to use image manipulation, so....

Decide your theme - maybe People or Places (I was only half-joking about estate agents windows).

People - you could....

take portraits - 1 shot with all wrinkles and blemishes showing and 2nd shot with them digitally airbrushed (subtle hiding of truth)

or you could go for major manipulation - take a nude shot of a male and digitally turn him female (if you and your friends are up to it!). I quite like this gender swap idea.

Places - you could....

do a pastiche of estate agent pics - take some doggy buildings and do a digital make-over.

take a rough open space (pond with shopping trolleys and oil drums) and turn it into a rural idyll.

Of course, this is already 'standard practice' in some areas so why not turn it around? Take a beautiful bulding/area/person and rough 'em up a bit? Turn Blenheim Palace into Sleeping Beauty's castle surrounded by a forest of thorns (although this might be getting away from your 'hidden truths' idea).

In-camera hidden truths (you can decide if you can do it digitally) -

Product shots - apparently natural lighting created by a clever lighting set up.

Fashion - superb clothing held together by sticky tape and clips at the back.

A perfect example of hidden truth photography that I saw was created entirely by vp; the 1st shot showed a rhino grazing on an apperently endless African plain (it had a real 'untamed heart of Africa', wilderness feel to it) while the 2nd shot from the other side of the animal used a telephoto to bring the slummy outskirts of Nairobi right up the animals backside!

I hope this has given you a starting point. If you don't like this do what I do - go away, read a book and come back to it later. You'll come up with something. When you do, please post some pics.
Thanks so much for the replies. Its been doing my head in trying to think of a project!
'Barsbyart' your reply has been really helpful, thank you, i was thinking of taking a approach within photographing a place and changing the reality of it, you usually hear/see this within holiday magazines, etc. so i was thinking of something along them lines, however i am really starting to like the idea of where you said about clothing held together by sticky tape/clips. As it is a simple, yet i feel could be a effective way of showing hidden truth. So i may just elaborate on this idea.
I think i'll do my head in abit more and continue thinking of a project, now taking in what you have said, and hopefully i come out with the project i am looking for [whatever that is!] However, i think i shall work with people in this project =]

Thanks again!
Ive decided to work with people in the studio. I'm thinking along the lines of Portraiture. still not to sure what excatly to do. But i have a few rough ideas that hopefully will become one.
For my degree i also have a 10,000 word essay to write, so thats been going around in my head too. Both the photographic project and essay need to link in one way or another, so at the moment im just trying to get rough ideas together.
Will keep you posted when the idea finally comes to me!

Deb x
This is our final year of our BA degree, and we are each to write a 10,000 word essay, a 2000 word lit. review and a photographic project that ties in with this. They suggest we do something similar to what we done last year, as we all have a good knowledge on it already - i based mine on photographic manipulation.
However, i was thinking something to do with the "perfect" body and the way the society and media portray this "perfect" body. Yet include photographic manipulation into this, the way that media airbrush to create that 'perfect' face for example; But i cant seem to find any theorists who work along these lines themselves. Im reading a few books at the moment, hoping something will interest me and then ill continue like that :)
Just seen this thread and your last comment stirred an idea - probably because of the latest BBC model reality TV blurb.

Why not shoot modeling shots of "perfection" with individuals, only to reveal the full persona shot of "perfection" actually being someone with a disability. As a people watcher, it's always been fascinating to see how people see what they want - only to be shocked by the entire package.

Not sure how difficult it would be to find models, as I've never looked at studio photography to date. Although the thought of a challenge like this does make me want to give it a go!

Good luck with your degree and whatever follows.
Just seen this thread and your last comment stirred an idea - probably because of the latest BBC model reality TV blurb.

Why not shoot modeling shots of "perfection" with individuals, only to reveal the full persona shot of "perfection" actually being someone with a disability. As a people watcher, it's always been fascinating to see how people see what they want - only to be shocked by the entire package.

Not sure how difficult it would be to find models, as I've never looked at studio photography to date. Although the thought of a challenge like this does make me want to give it a go!

Good luck with your degree and whatever follows.

I actully see the program you are talking about :) Was really good and if you could do that. You'll be away