I need your vote.....

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Edit My Images
In this comp please :D


TIA (y)
Done(y) All the best
I've given you a vote.....Don't like the picture very much.

Yep doesnt say how good the pic is, it'll just get lots of votes, a bit of a cheat really, Sorry, JMHO, so not a true representation of how much its really liked or worthy, you cant kid yourself, and youve got a long way to go as 484 votes is the most popular so far

good luck.
Cheating, plain and simple. I have a shot I was going to enter. Doesn't seem worth it if this is how people win. Not that you can call it winning.:nono:
Yep doesnt say how good the pic is, it'll just get lots of votes, a bit of a cheat really, Sorry, JMHO, so not a true representation of how much its really liked or worthy, you cant kid yourself, and youve got a long way to go as 484 votes is the most popular so far

good luck.

Your right there, and to be honest as you said the photo is never going to win as its just a snap shot to me and the PP is horrid.
This is cheating. Please do the honourable thing and withdraw your entry.
Agreed, it's very cheeky to make a post like this and completely undermines the competition in my opinion.
also the winner so far is at 484 votes and your at about 28 so I'm not sure how much difference this will all make.
In this comp please :D


TIA (y)

Think about it !
If you were to win it would you really feel right about it .. don't you want to win on the Merritt of your photo alone .

i always feel photo's on here should contain no name when entered only a # .. Then we would see real votes .. With no favoritism .. or M8's vote !

Rog (y)
Seems to undermine the whole point of a competition to me.
Your right there, and to be honest as you said, the photo is never going to win as its just a snap shot to me and the PP is horrid.

I didnt say it was snap shot,

I always feel photo's on here should contain no name when entered only a # .. Then we would see real votes .. With no favouritism .. or M8's vote !

Rog (y)

Its been tried Rog,although a good idea, but it didn't work
From the website:

The judging process
Votes from this website will be counted to compile the shortlist from which the judging panel will select a winner for each of the three age categories.
You have got to be applauded for being up front and just begging for votes.........at the same time it's done your reputation no good.

As for everyones suggestions on how to go about presenting pics for display/comments/votes etc I think there is no ideal way.I post on about 4 different sites with very different ways of presentation.
I post on one EVERY DAY on a rolling gallery and try to look at everyone elses pics,but you can't tell whose they are unless you click on them...a vote can be given without knowing and that's when I decide if I feel they deserve a vote.After that If I want to comment on it I find out whose it is BUT it does not influence if I want to critique it.There is a counter that records votes/number of views etc.
On this and a few others we put them on section forums or for critique and sometimes we cannot even tell if anyone has looked at them so it can be frustrating.
If you spread your shots around a lot of sites(takes time posting and looking at others),an average of views and comments can be worked out.
I have put shots on one site to great comments and even one site that is linked to a mag have printed it BUT other site members blanked them completely...their loss I thought (lol).
This shows up the other side of "matey" tit for tat votes/comments..it's very limiting.

Sorry to go on but as I say there is no ideal way...we just have to rely on people being fair.

Keith (y)
On this and a few others we put them on section forums or for critique and sometimes we cannot even tell if anyone has looked at them so it can be frustrating.


There is a way to tell how many views one of your images have had, if you use the Quick Links and the click on the Your Posts, you can see the views to threads there
Bit cheeky to be honest. Anyone could link to other competitions around the net asking them to vote, but it's not really right is it.
Bit cheeky to be honest. Anyone could link to other competitions around the net asking them to vote, but it's not really right is it.

Looking into it the vote is just purely for the public , The images are judged by a panel so the votes do not count deciding the winning images. The panel does. (y)
I haven't voted mainly because I don't like the way the website is structured. You can sort the entries by the most recent and the most popular which means you can easily see the entries that already have the most votes but that doesn't necessarily mean they are the best. There are 3900 entries. Not many people are going to look through them all and genuinely pick the best.

The OPs shot certainly isn't the best and the current leader certainly isn't the best. The best shots will be well hidden in there somewhere and I can't be bothered to hunt for it.
I haven't voted mainly because I don't like the way the website is structured. You can sort the entries by the most recent and the most popular which means you can easily see the entries that already have the most votes but that doesn't necessarily mean they are the best. There are 3900 entries. Not many people are going to look through them all and genuinely pick the best.

The OPs shot certainly isn't the best and the current leader certainly isn't the best. The best shots will be well hidden in there somewhere and I can't be bothered to hunt for it.

Thats' a good point, means the winners are likely to come from those who added their entries earlier.

Not very well thought out is it.
Just think before you send out the lynch mob....lots of members here have asked for very similar favours and nothing has been said to them about this sort of thing so to be honest I think its a tad unfair to single one person out like this....I am not saying this is the way to get votes I dont think its fair either.
And I can bet the other entrants are doing the same right now
:eek::LOL: Bloody hell, i didn't realize it was going to turn into a moral high ground, and as DM says a lynch mob. String me up from the nearest tree :LOL:

To those who voted, thanks (y)

To those i know and have met :LOL:

To those whiter than white moralistics :razz: :LOL: You'd better not ask for any favours in the future, or you might be swinging on the tree next to mine.
its not about being whiter than white, its about the spirit of the competition.

I'd rather win because of a photos merits than because I'd asked people to vote on it :)

Best of luck though
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