

Suspended / Banned
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Apologies for my prolonged absence from these forums - been a bit busy with out pre-deployment training.
Now arrived and set up in Basrah-COB Media Ops (that's in Iraq for those who haven't a clue what I'm on about...) and have been out on a couple of jobs already. Another 6 months in the sandy wastes of Tatooine...mmm...just smell the dried goat-****.
Since I have full internet access here in the office I should be up and about most days, so watch out for some scathing crits if anyone dares to post photos of animals wearing sunglasses, cheesy sunsets over the BBQ or back-focussed portraits of 'less-than-slim' birds in sunflower fields wearing 'not-a-lot'.
Those who know me know I take no prisoners...lol
Best of luck on your tour, stay safe and lets have some of those famous Arkady pics

Agger ex Royal Engineer and also ex Bergen Hohne(y)
good luck on your deployment fella, I'm sure you'll have plenty of desert phot's to share with us.

keep you head down ;)
Bugger, didn't we change the locks last time :p
watch out for some scathing crits if anyone dares to post photos of animals wearing sunglasses, cheesy sunsets over the BBQ or back-focussed portraits of 'less-than-slim' birds in sunflower fields wearing 'not-a-lot'.
Those who know me know I take no prisoners...lol

Im sooo looking forward to seeing some of that goat fur fly ... good to see you back Rob! :wave:
What ho Rob ... ;) ... long time no hear ... :D ... it's been far too peaceful and friendly round here for far too long ... :cautious:

Git 'em up bud ... :naughty:

LOL me too :p
I don't think Ive posted a picture of my cat since :D

Welcome back :)
i dont remember arkady lmao. but im sure he will LOVE me and my photos :D isnt arkady that shopping thing for waitross home deliveries?
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Aah, all those fraulines with broken hearts!
i dont remember arkady lmao. but im sure he will LOVE me and my photos :D isnt arkady that shopping thing for waitross home deliveries?

You'd better duck Ashers ... or he'll have your r's and you'll be Ashes ... :wacky:

Since I have full internet access here in the office I should be up and about most days, so watch out for some scathing crits if anyone dares to post photos of animals wearing sunglasses, cheesy sunsets over the BBQ or back-focussed portraits of 'less-than-slim' birds in sunflower fields wearing 'not-a-lot'.
Those who know me know I take no prisoners...lol

Excellent! (y)
Nice to see you around again, I'll even put up with you tearing my shots to shreds if it helps others get better as well. :D
hi....just to say stay safe......hope ya dont get too bored......and above all else make sure ya stay focused on your r + r ....take care xxx
:wave: Good to see you back mate (y)

Ooh btw, could I have some C&C on this please :LOL:


Nice to see you safe Rob looking forward to some more of your "on site" stunning images (y)

Grendel I'll see your glasses :D
and raise you a silly hat 'n' scarf (y)

I need a bit of critique here as well :D

Will this mean we get to see some of the grit? Not been in the sand since 91 (y) I wonder if it looks any different!! :shrug:

3RRF.. as it was...
Soon as i get some decent images rather than the Grip 'n' Grins I've been lumbered with for the past few days...out on an Op tomorrow so I may have something to post on wednesday...
Oh, and Dogs are just curry waiting to happen... :naughty:
Oh, and Dogs are just curry waiting to happen... :naughty:

Well I guess you know what they say in Korea then?
A dog is not just for Christmas..... <complete the saying>. I'm not brave enough :D
Easy...with carefull preparation and use of a good cook-book it can last til January...
welcome back, look forward to seeing your pictures. remember to keep your head down and dont use your flash gun at night, lol
What is it with that part of the world and dogs!!

Good luck with the op.. i wish i could go back and do some.. i cant help thinking im not done with it!! i think all ex squadies say the same!!!

I hope you get to shoot with an L85 as well as a D2!! (y)

Happy hunting.. stay safe mate..
Oh, I heard about you, Arkady. Can't wait to see some of your photos from i-rack.