I suck at web design

you know that sentence is a load of crap, so why use it. :nono: Its bloody brilliant and you know it, and to say it only took 2 hrs proves just how good you are at it, so less of the spiel, and more with the content..;)
ps, what did you use to create it.
Its done in FrontPageXP. Frontpage is frowned upon in certain circles which probably has something to do with my negative attitude towards anything I create with it.

I have a very limited knowledge of HTML so I don't have a vast amount of choice here.
well i for one think its great, i only wish i could build a site and display my images in it.
frontpage is made for IE thats why its frowned upon.
Thats look good though to be fair mate. I'd be proud TBH :D
Boon said:
well i for one think its great, i only wish i could build a site and display my images in it.
And me....got to agree with Boon, looks ok to me but I know nothing about web design
Hmmm ... it it comes in Free & Green then I'd certainly let you tinker with mine m8 ... :p
Well I certainly like it and would be more than happy to let you make me a gallery/website ;)

As practice of course ;)
Braeden said:
Well I certainly like it and would be more than happy to let you make me a gallery/website ;)

As practice of course ;)

get in the queue mate;)
and I'm a Dyson :D
looks ok!, i used Frontpage to make 4 websites for people, but tried using CSS to make my own, which was a lot harder, lol
Mate, if you can program games then you can learn HTML and CSS. It's pretty easy and shouldn't take you too long. You'll also then get a lot more control over your pages.
