I want my car to say "come drive"

Love the shots (& the car for that matter) but I think if I was me I'd have the car facing away from the camera with the road laid out in front of it would give the feeling of a road trip ready to start.
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Much better images with the car facing into the shot.
That last picture is great, certainly wouldn't look much out of place in a Mercedes brochure!
I agree that the ones with the car(s) facing away are better.
I too like the last one, mainly as it has a great colour palette.

To answer your question, re does it make you want to drive it - I think so but I also think you can emphasis this by having more 'daring' angles - rather than looking more side on to the car, look down its flank and slightly across the bonnet showing the road ahead etc.

In this way you can also show off some of the angles of the car, emphasising its power / agility - however you want to read it!

Hope this helps.
Prefer the last one but either way I wouldn't mind having a car like that to drive:)
Thanks all for commenting,

I will try some more adverturous angles of the car. I've just got it and it drives really nice and moves along just the thing....

All shot at F11 and not stood too close to the car, the DoF is fine and the car looks in focus. Perhaps sharpness etc could be improved,. I'll be posting more of it later :D
Great set of pictures and a great car! I particularly like 0444.
I really like 0452, think the b&w looks great on it.

Lovely car too, fancy one of these to replace my 3 series estate!
For me the last one is by far the best one, but in my opinion could do with a bit of a crop from the r/h side to get rid of the cables and half tree, A little bit of fill light to brighten it up a tad then a slight sharpen..hope I dont sound to hard and it is only my opinion..
I really like the car and the rear images, I think if you put the keys in my hand, then maybe I can adopt the come drive me attitude. Feel free to try it :LOL:
Really like the edits, I see it now. Was wary of upping exposure and taking contrast.

Nick, where do I know you from?? Lol.

Jake these are good cars, you'd be surprised how fun they are to drive. Back drive cars tend to be
Great shots - love the last one especially with the lines cropped out. Exposure, to me, is just right. Getting used to this PP lark. The more I look and compare "before" and "after" the more I understand.

Agree with your point - rear wheeled drive cars are much more fun.
In answer to the question 'Do these make you want to go and just drive', no, none of them want to make me go out and drive.

Nice locations, nice car but they're too static to give me the feeling of freedom on the road.

The ones where the car is facing into the shot are the most effective but I feel they should be central in the road as if the road is yours and there are no rules to follow (driving on the left etc)...
A good suggestion Pat and one I can rig up later on on a quiet morning

I wanted to write more but couldn't (my little boy was pulling me here, there and everywhere). Didn't want to come across blunt of anything.. :)

Anyway, that location with that amount of sky detail would look the nuts with some form of panning or rig shot I feel. Obviously, rigs are costly and need setting up, but a pan might be achievable if you have another body to drive the car. :)
Last picture is great!

But being the type of car that it is imho it would look even better with a bike on the roof or something like that!