Ibiza Sunset

Nice colours, interesting subject. And putting the subject at the very top of the frame works really well. Because it's a paraglider (or whatever they're called), I feel that the photo might work if it were more narrow than it is. And there's a lot of black at the bottom, so room to try a different crop, maybe? But I have to say that I like this.
Nice colours, interesting subject. And putting the subject at the very top of the frame works really well. Because it's a paraglider (or whatever they're called), I feel that the photo might work if it were more narrow than it is. And there's a lot of black at the bottom, so room to try a different crop, maybe? But I have to say that I like this.

Thanks for the detailed feedback. You're right, it probably would benefit from a crop. For some reason I find it really hard to make myself crop to anything other than the original aspect ratio! Must be OCD or something.
I had that problem until I started using the camera in my mobile phone a lot more. The apps I use allow me to choose 16:9 and 1:1 as well as 4:3 and quite a few others. Then I got a compact camera that lets me do the same formats. So my Canon 40D now seems quite limited and I'm always looking at how to use framing more creatively.
I agree on their being too much black on the bottom. Not that there is anything wrong with large areas of black, I feel it distracts my attention from what I feel is the subject of the photograph ie the paraglider.

What I also found interesting about this photo is you could cut it in half horizontally and still end up with 2 very good images, maybe this is why the black area is distracting to my eyes.
Thanks for the further feedback. Here's another shot of the same scene I took at the same time. Less black land in this one, maybe it's a better shot?

IMG_4367 by danprice9, on Flickr
Try using a HD grad filter and maybe a sunset filter in as well. It's make a big difference.
Here's another sunset shot I'm quite pleased with, landscape this time. Thought I'd pop it in here rather than a new thread. C&C appreciated as always. One thing, the horizon looks to me as if it slopes down slightly to the right, however when checking against the straighten grid in Aperture 3 it's spot on straight - must be an optical illusion!?!

Ibiza Sunset - Landscape by danprice9, on Flickr
Liking the photo's never got anything as good as that when I have been for the last two years. Nothing beats sitting sipping on an ice cold bear at Cafe Del Mar as the sunsets.
i prefer the first of the two paragliders - i like the black foreground (to each their own i suppose), but the third is a great shot, love the composition