Ice house


The Enforcer
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Well I got myself a polarizer the other day for my Nikon lens and im can honestly say...damn why did I wait so long, makes all the difference on days like today, still fast as heck, wahay. (y)

One of yesterdays shots, whilst in search of the elusive 'abandoned' subject for the competition.

...still haven't found a worthy subject. But thought you guys and girls might find this interesting.

The Great Ice House of Dagenham; (The white building in the photo)
In 1848 Sir Charles Hulse, Lord of the Manor, leased the lake and cottages to his son (who was also his Chief Steward), Charles Hulse, and Deputy Steward, Edward Sage. They built a large ice-house there to supply, amongst others, the Barking fishing fleet.
The building contained two steel lined, 13 meter deep, 10ft wide wells, buried beneath the building and below sea level, their they successfully stored up to 1400 tons of ice. Ice was shipped continuously from frozen countries nearby to keep up with demand and even gathered from the huge marshes along the estuary in winter when crossings became more dangerous.

I had no idea they did this 150 years ago. Wow I thought....but then I love this sort of thing.

I have no idea bout the big wreck....not yet anyway. :D

Two 18mm Horizontal images, one of the water and one of the buildings...then tied together to make a really big one….which is nice. :)


Its a bit dark init?
I would say more interesting than ugly - the history lesson was good :)
The shot doesn't do a great deal for me, and as you say, is a little dark. The story is just fascinating though :)
Pleased you haven't got anything yet and hope it challenges your thoughts of a hat trick :p :D
Like the shot and the processing is nice.
KenCo1964 said:
Pleased you haven't got anything yet and hope it challenges your thoughts of a hat trick :p :D


Well... I was kinda stunned to do so well on both, what with the high level of photography here. And it did help that most comp entries where motor sport piccies, YKWIM ;)

...and I can dream can't I? :D

Thanks for your comment Ken.
well joined, and its not that bad, maybe a tad brighter at the bottom?