Critique Ice

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Full of cold (man flu, you understand!) and needed to relax for a bit. So thought I'd try something a bit different for me. I had several ice formation images from earlier in the week and decided to try them like this. Your thoughts and suggestions welcome as always.

I think the presentation makes a very interesting total image out of one (or ones?) that on their own would be nice but ordinary.

Main danger as I see it is that some people might think they look like a display from a tile shop:), ?so might be even better without the shadows or with another effect that doesn't make them look like tiles? The only one I know of is bevelled edge but not sure if that would work.

For me definitely an idea with mileage.
Thanks for the input. Iinteresting you should mention alternatives to the drop shadows. I felt it looked too flat without anything and tried levels first! But I ended up preferring the shadows!
Yes - wasn't sure any of my suggestions wold work - ?what about having soft/blurred edges (not that I know how to do it you understand:))
I like the colours and shapes - the whole image just begs you to stop and ponder. Years ago, I had a book that gave you a list of things that you could do when you were ill in bed, and looking at the clouds in the sky and letting your imagination have free reign was the one I remember. This image recalls that memory as vividly as the blue used.

I'm not sure about the dropped shadows, which prevent the image being seen as a view through a three pained window. I am sure that it would be better if the bottom panes lined up on the bottom edge.
.........................I'm not sure about the dropped shadows, which prevent the image being seen as a view through a three pained window. I am sure that it would be better if the bottom panes lined up on the bottom edge.

Yes - maybe thick black lines separating the three parts, with a solid black line around the outside - think Mondrian: images&hl=en&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4GGLR_enGB451GB451&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=KSLqUvThLK7g7Qb8-4CoDQ&sqi=2&ved=0CC0QsAQ&biw=1093&bih=474

I can't help feeling there is a fantastic image in there trying to get out (think Scott Kelby video:
