Iconic and Beautiful

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Seems to be a bit of a backlash against our most Iconic winter picture card bird ... my advice would be go out and photograph it in all its beauty as it one of the most beautiful birds we have in abundance in the UK ... to those who don't ... give it a try ... you never know! :)

The Beautiful Robin.

These first 3 shots were taken with Canon's little gem of a camera and one I still use today ... the superb Canon 40D @ 500mm ...




And finally a young juvenile Robin taken with the MkIV @ 700mm ...


Cheers Marco.
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Very nice with great detail..........................(y)
My favourate bird, theres one in my garden that follows me when i cut the grass, I'll be the first to say it ...no 2 is a cracker !.

Seems to be a bit of a backlash against our most Iconic winter picture card bird ... my advice would be go out and photograph it in all its beauty as it one of the most beautiful birds we have in abundance in the UK ... to those who don't ... give it a try ... you never know! :)

The Beautiful Robin.

These first 3 shots were taken with Canon's little gem of a camera and one I still use today ... the superb Canon 40D ...

And finally a young juvenile Robin taken with the MkIV

Cheers Marco.

40d and what glass ;-)
Wow, these are incredible! The detail is superb, love them all, but No. 3 is my fave. Thanks for sharing. The Robin is my favourite bird :)
Great shots Marco....the 40D is still a great camera...I especially like the last one
Superb set (y)
Wow you do get the most out of that 40d.

A simply cracking set.

Never seen a juvy robin before.
Agreed robins are ace, they are quite bold and inquisitive which is Nice. I used to have one that sat at the edge of my garage when I was working on the car. Got fed all the scraps so I don't think it was at all interested in the fine dark art of car maintenance.
Wonderful images and proof that even the most common birds are beautiful
and you don't need exotics to create superb photographs, though saying that one could
argue the Robin is plenty exotic, check out those colours, marvellous !

kind regards

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Outstanding imvho of a lovely bird :clap::clap: