ID 11 or Rodinal or microphen

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A simple question for Sunday evening - I've a roll of exposed Kodak Technical Pan, which would be the best developer to use out of the above three? The film 'best before' date is 1996, exposed at 12asa, erring on the over rather than under exposure. So, Rodinal, good with fine grain slow speed films or Microphen, again, for use with fine grain films. Or should I go with ID11, a good all-rounder?

Any help would be appreciated.

Regards - Paul
Given the film and developer choice, I'd go with Rodinal. There are instructions/hints/starting points available on the web for processing TechPan in Rodinal (which I've used, years ago). Basically, high dilution. Others may have experience with ID11 or Microphen.
The Wikipedia page says that D76 (ID11) gives extreme contrast, so that would rule out your ID11. It mentions extremely dilute Rodinal
Years ago I developed it in C41 chemicals that I scrounged from my local lab, when such things existed. I think I could maybe find the article if you have access to C41?
Try Rodinal 1:100 for 10 minutes used to work well when I was using it in a Minox subminiature camera. Of course, it was fresh film back then. Did you over expose it by two stops to overcome any fogging?
1:100 for only ten mins, assuming 21degrees C, seems quite short...? What agitation did you use? To develope delta 100 at iso100, MDC suggests 1:50 for 14 mins using rodinal.
Thanks for the info Guys, I think Rodinal is the way to go. Not sure about the short times, maybe I'll do a clip test .
Try stand?