Idea for a stickie?

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Ok, I have been trying to get much better at taking photo's for ages. I'm still at the basics, however slowly improving, particularly because I've had some fantastic advice on these forums. My idea is such, what is the best advice or lesson you have learnt that you would give to a newbie?

My starter for ten would be;

If you are struggling to get sharp enough shots of the kids indoors, get yourself a flash as the infra red focussing assist will be a huge help, even if you think there's enough light to not need one.

What do we think of the idea?

Anyone got any more suggestions?
I never read any of my manuals, apart from A quick flick through on my first camera, I found YouTube and the like much better, nothing beats practisePractisePractise. It's maybe because I don't learn much when I read, I have to 'do'.
Oh and another one ...

If you are hand holding your camera when taking a shot, make sure the shutter speed used is at least as long as the lens on your camera e.g. If you have a 100 mm lens, the shutter speed needs to be at least 1/100 to avoid camera shake. If its not, you need to increase the iso rating enough to be able to do so.

I know you pro's out there will be thinking numpty alert, but it took me a few months and many slightly out of focus shots before someone on this very forum was kind enough to point it out!
The best advice I was given when I started out, was to shoot in manual mode. I learned very quickly the relationship between shutter speed, aperture and ISO.
Oh and another one ...

If you are hand holding your camera when taking a shot, make sure the shutter speed used is at least as long as the lens on your camera e.g. If you have a 100 mm lens, the shutter speed needs to be at least 1/100 to avoid camera shake. If its not, you need to increase the iso rating enough to be able to do so.

I know you pro's out there will be thinking numpty alert, but it took me a few months and many slightly out of focus shots before someone on this very forum was kind enough to point it out!

You can shoot at lower speeds with a good holding technique and a couple of deep breaths if push comes to shove :)

Though dont expect miracles like shooting a 200mm at 1/10 (y)