Idetification - Green finch?

Pat have a dig for what colour a grenfinch's wing bar is...............

Mate I'll go further..we have green finch feeding occassionally here and a whole host of chaff. sure they are similar,

OMG here we go :runaway: :LOL: look, greenie is heavier bulkier greener more even in plumage colour.................. male heavier then female even out of season the bulk of him gives him against his lady when his greyer head ain't showing......their beaks greenfinch is much bigger bulkier than chaff.......But all of this is sort of subbiminal Patrick you only know it from seeing over and over and over and over.

Bird ID is sometimes so simple if you know those simple things that differentiate species....................... ha. the wing bar in a chaffinch is white a greenfinch it's yellow

My point in the longer post mate is you need to know why it's a chaff for next time you need that first point of call. From there you slowly start to see all those other differences beaks shape plumage etc on the day you don't or can't see a wing bar you still have it down.wot ya saw in a snick of an eye is still a positive ID

It is a female chaffinch it is 100% not a greenfinch

