Idiot Postman!

Alex Burge
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POSTMEN! the only people in the world to be confused by the elastic band... DON'T RING MY DOORBELL! if you take the elastic band off that the Royal Mail put on my post then it will go through the door quite easily! it will take a fraction of a second compared to the time it takes to write a slip and put it through my door! IDIOTS!!!! *rant over*.

P.S. This is not a dig at all postmen(or women) just the idiots that seem to do my round!

P.P.S. my first post in months and its completely unrelated to photography in any way... oops... really must find my camera! :bonk:
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My post often goes missing completely. I complained about it and had no reply. They said 'Oh we sent you a letter, we'll send it again'. The letter said they had investigated and could find nothing wrong - WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A week later the original letter arrived. I don't get anything delivered to my own address because I don't know where half of it goes to :shake:
Postmen should be done for dropping litter, you see those red elastic bands all over the damn place!.
Came home from work last week and found a package lying at the front door, it was a recorded deilivery. The postie had obviously removed the sticker from the label probably signed it himself as no-one was home then stuck it in his book or whatever he does with them. Are they master forgers no as well ? Next time it happens he is for the high jump cos I'll be asking for a copy of the signature.
It's worse when they try to ram something into the letterbox which is obviously far too big to fit. Even worse when said package has 'DO NOT BEND' stamped all over it and lands on the floor all tattered, crumpled and torn. Grrr
And here's an old and often-asked question about postmen; Have you ever seen one that ISN'T wearing shorts, I mean, I sure have never seen one wearing an actual pair of trousers - even in the deepest darkest depth of mid-winter when it's just above freezing, it's sleeting and there's a bitter cold east wind.
Is it compulsory for them to wear shorts and not trousers? Speaking as someone who had spent the past 16 years working in a greenhouse, I'd hate to be a postman should I ever lose my current job as I'd really feel the cold!
Do you mean these red rubber things,
We get them posted through the door alot lately

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A few weeks ago I was waiting for a package to be delivered. I was upstairs looking out of the front bedroom window when the postman pulled up in his van. He sat there for a few minutes before getting out. I expected him to ring the doorbell. Insetad he just posted the "We attempted a delivery" postcard and got back in his van. I quickly ran outside and knocked on his window and asked what the hell he was doing. He claimed my doorbell didn't work so he didn't know I was in. My doorbell does work, he just didn't press it.

The lazy git didn't even attempt to find out if I was in, he obviously thought it was quicker to deliver the postcards than to deliver the actual packages.

Needless to say I put in a complaint about him and got no response what so ever from royal mail.