Im going insane! - help me out =D

Debbie Ward
Edit My Images
So for my final degree assignment we have to create a proposal/assignment for our FMP. im going to relate it to my dissertation that i am currently writing, this is about ideology and the idealised female body.
I have a few photographic assignment ideas in mind but im still undecided and kind of need a push in the right direction!
I wanna base it on the idealised body, whether that be male or female.
I was thinking of taking a portrait, full length photoshoot of men and women, with a frame 'displaying' around a part of their body in which they feel is imperfect etc, basically to show that even the slimist/tallist/prettist person still have insercurities. Showing that noone is perfect and we each feel 'ashamed' almost about something of ourselves.
But im not to sure on this idea and possibly looking for something different to do in order to get across my idea - the idealised body, how noone is perfect and that the people they see in the media are generally airbrushed to unrealistic perfection, i kind of want to show that noone is perfect, we all have our flaws, yet we should be happy with them.


Thank youuu.
I like the idea of frames round the bits people don't like. But make the photos look fun and high energy with frames to match maybe even get them to hold paper frames over the areas. I think if they are too formal they will look odd.
Hasn't this 'imperfect' body image been done to death already???

Even Gok's prog has finished an 8 week series on it to a boring conclusion about airbrushing 'Warnings' on magazines as an aim!

Soz, but I think it's boring now

But hey, maybe that's because I am perfect! :LOL:

lol yeah i totally get what you mean about it being boring. but as im half finished with writing my dissertation on it my project needs to be tied into it. the perfect body is an interesting subject and although itll never be solved, i like finding out more about it. There will always be a project that someone has done. nothing is 'unique' nowadays =/
It's an interesting idea. Could you turn it on its head and ask the people what part of their body they feel is 'perfect' rather than 'imperfect' and shoot that? You could even do diptychs (or even one of each :) ) for each subject.
It's an interesting idea. Could you turn it on its head and ask the people what part of their body they feel is 'perfect' rather than 'imperfect' and shoot that? You could even do diptychs (or even one of each :) ) for each subject.

Now that - with an explanation from them all - would be more interesting
