I'm off!



Off to Canada for 10 days! Skiing in Banff ftw :D

Speak soon!

Love Dan x
Lucky B*****r :p :wave:

Have a great time :D
Have a great time, dont break anything ;)

Don't break a leg.
Don't forget the photos, and wear mittens (Your mum told me to pass it on).

Have a lovely time, and gimme three rings when you get there.
have fun!! :wave:
I'm sure you'll have a great time and we will get to see some of the action on your return ... :D

All the best Marik ...


Keep your camera in your bumbag but wear it round the front

Wear it at the back == one broken camera and a very sore back :)

Ps . Americans call bumbags FannySacks :nuts:
Ps . Americans call bumbags FannySacks :nuts:

I think it's Fanny Packs..........but either way it conjours up an entirely different peice of equipment!! ;) :D