image batch edit software for 20K photos


On the hit list !!!
Edit My Images
yes thats correct i have 20,000 images all stock for my website and need to reduce them to something like 800 pixels to make them more manageable but i need to do this in bulk and confer to jpg

is there any free software that i can use on a mac
Found fast stone just dropping on to PC to see if that will work

That's what I was just about to suggest. However....

Are these raw images? If so, have they been processed at all? If they have then you will lose all that processing info. FastStone will just extract the embedded jpeg and resize that. The result should be OK for a web catalogue, but not really suitable as a stock image for most applications.
Run mine out lol

Found fast stone just dropping on to PC to see if that will work
I thought you said for a Mac! Warning if you use Faststone it will strip out any iptc data you have embeded in the photos
Are they raw or jpeg? Eazy thumbnails is free and really quick at the resize but I dont know if it works with Mac, but it only does jpeg For raw instant jpeg from raw is free and lets you size, but again I don't know if it's a goer with Mac.
If you could get access to Photoshop (download a free trial?), you can record actions - record an action of you re-sizing the picture, saving it where you choose then closing the pic for example. Once you have the action saved, close all open pictures then go to File>Automate>Batch ..a dialog box will appear, pick your newly saved action and the folder where the images you are wanting resized are (all the images will need to be within a folder), click OK and it will do it all for you :)

Not sure if that makes much sense, I'm not the best at explaining! Hope that helps though.