Image manipulation on a laptop

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Can anyone advise me at what angle I should have the screen when manipulating an image with a laptop? I've just spent ages tweaking a picture until I had it just as I wanted, only to realise how critical the screen angle is......:( I guess its also true of a desktop, but on the whole, you tend not to move those screens once initially setup.
My desktop TFT screen is fine (consistent) at most angles but my laptop is critical on viewing angle as you say. I use the laptop for viewing but would not try editing on it.
I only have a lappy (15.4 WS) and no external monitor, yet ... so no choice about what I view on !

All I can tell you PS is that I find the screen needs to be aligned to be horizontally and vertically in line with my eye line ... if that makes sense ?

Modern lappy screens have a degree of tolerance but you need to find an alignment and distance that suits both your working position and style.

The experts suggest the screen should also be a comfortable arms length from your eyes too ... :thinking:

HTH ... ;)


Ideally you need to be looking straight at it, and IT needs to be looking straight back at you.
The other thing that has caught ME out on a laptop is if you are running it off your battery the display isn't as bright as if you run it off mains.
The other thing that has caught ME out on a laptop is if you are running it off your battery the display isn't as bright as if you run it off mains.
You can normally change that in your laptop's power management settings.