Incredible high speed photographs by Alan Sailer

I like the razor blade one!
Great find. Thanks for sharing that!
Seen a link on a post on flickr. Some belting shots there!!
Fabulous set of images, all on a $300 flash firing budget... super set, thanks for posting.
Time and dedication... wow. That razorblade is something else
They're amazing. That razor blade shot in particular...
yeah i found these a week or so ago.... their amazing
some pretty cool pictures there...
garage... snap
d40 snap....
quick flash.. nope..hmmmm..
I don't know what i'm more impressed with, the pictures or hitting the face of a razorblade with a .177 pellet. Either way, the guy is good (y)
not very interesting as still images, far more impressive as high speed videos slowed down...

maybe the objects are boring, but the shockwave spreading through a soap bubble when it was pierced is the most amazing high speed video sequence i have seen :)
not very interesting as still images, far more impressive as high speed videos slowed down...

maybe the objects are boring, but the shockwave spreading through a soap bubble when it was pierced is the most amazing high speed video sequence i have seen :)

I'd have to disagree. The videos are amazing as well, I will admit that (especially slow motion lighter [])
but I think that as stills they are also very spectacular!

Anyone fancy posting a tutorial on how to do slow motion shots like this ourselves? :LOL:
These are amazing, just popped over to post the story. Good old search... :)
He must be one hell of a shot with an air rifle to hit them all like that. Great shots, really love the christmas ornament filled with water.
Id imagine like most of these high speed shots the rifle is in a vice and aimed with a laser as they would have been shot in near to total darkness, great shots though. It's something I've wanted to have a go at for a long time.

If anybodys wondering how they are done it's basically a blub exposure of several seconds then a flash modified for a very very short burst of light to give the scene the exposure. In these photos the pellet broke a laser beam triggering the flash to fire. (You can see the beam in one of the shots) Most people with an external flashgun would have the capabilities to do these to some degree, it really depends on just how much you can dial down the power of your flash.